Why is it so common in churches in Kenya with this humiliation degradation of womens when pastors prophets etc use them for they own sake to be famous pastor prophets, if itt was you and your wife would you be happy to see her on the dirty filthy floor in slayers beacuse the pastor prophets told her so?
women likes it, they also love having those one on one sessions with men of cloth, go there and pour there hearts out, tell on there husbands and how there’re being neglected, and men being men, they satisfy there needs.
Same applies to that famous witch doctor. So, mtu kama @Agwambo na @uwesmake , wamesalimiana na wanganga jungu mzima, that is after neglecting their wives in bedroom matters.
My ex gf who now is my wife used to attend church like that and she never attend church like that anymore and thats it.
Malisa hao
I have been in church all my life. There’s nothing I don’t know about what happens in church but I still respect the anointing of God. I do my best to avoid closeness with men of God bcz its very easy to find yourself in a compromising position once you start opening up to someone of the opposite. I believe that you connect emotionally and then it will open your spirit and your emotions at the same time.
I have interacted with few male pastors and I realize they end up opening up to you also and some deep stuff like about their first love or exe meanwhile they are married with kids.
For me my logic is if a man of God wants to fall, let him fall but let me not be a contributing factor to spoil God’s church and His servants bcz at the end of the day we will all be accountable to God.
For a long time I don’t talk to pastors about my issues instead a see a nun who is a professional counselor coz I also was almost taken advantage by a female pastor who wanted to marry me off to her brother who is very mkora he even tried to con her but he pretends to be a pastor. I left the church bcz I don’t want to be part of the problem and for my trust to be abused to get me to enter into sin.
All I can say is that most pastors begin so well but sooner than later the devil either overcomes them with relationships or money/greed but some are just witch doctors pretending to be pastors. So they can bewitch you to sleep with them if you don’t avoid them. So for me I avoid even the pastor knowing me coz kama hanijui atanipataje?
All I can say to the pretenders and the Predators God is a consuming fire. Don’t joke with Him. Meanwhile I continue to play my part by keeping off such things or the avenue that can lead to such things. Even us ladies we have a part to play to avoid being misused by the devil to bring shame to the name of God bcz if all women avoid it, the man will have to go out of the church to misbehave. Let’s be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Umeua kizungu jameni