Wizkid released his fourth album last week, entitled ‘Sounds From the Other Side’, and refused to call the release an ‘album,’ instead choosing to label it an ‘EP.’
To be clear, at 12 tracks long and with a running time of just over 39 minutes, Sounds From the Other Side is not an EP—it literally cannot be an EP.
We’ll excuse Wizkid for not understanding the difference between an album and an EP—at this point, it’s nothing more than semantics anyway—but one thing that must be cleared up is what an EP!
An EP, short for extended play, was originally created to house a collection of songs greater than a single but lesser than a full-length LP (or long play). Depending on the era and the country of release, the definition of what constitutes an EP versus an LP has changed quite a bit over the past seven decades, but as recent as 2015, it was broadly defined as a collection of four records or less and approximately 25 minutes in length.
Few songs on the album…
My all time favourite in that album