Am a risk taker kila mahali si ku risk Sabina Joy only. So this coin has been hyped for a while. Nimeamua kama mbaya mbaya. Threw some cash into it. Plan is to secure the profits and pull my initial investment. Bet ikiungua then i will hold the bag for a while. Bet ikiivana naingia Sabina Joy kupiga sherehe. Will update what happens in week or two[ATTACH=full]394188[/ATTACH]
hii ni kama zile mercury za “maasai”
You should learn how to trade first using smaller figures. Lakini kama wewe ni birrionea and $10k is nothing, sawa. Why?
In this trade, you could be lucky and make a ton of money. Unfortunately, you will mistake your luck for expertise and then give back the gains in future trades.
On a balance of probabilities, you will lose money. Why? Shiba Inu has rallied 800%. You just FOMO’d. Essentially, you bought the bags of the guy who invested at the right time. Normally you make money by getting in BEFORE the rally, not after.
Lakini mimi ni nani…why would you listen to an online stranger. People only value learning from experience. Brace yourself.
SHIB wasee walishaa collect profit
CUMMIES ndio next
alafu QUAM
millionaire token ndio sijafuatilia:D:D
That shiba coin has made me some good chums. I bought some for $700 about 5 months ago and forgot about and never logged into my Binance account till juzi when I started reading on the news. I had even forgotten my password since the phone I used to open the account got lost. Am not planning to sell it for at least one year and see where the price will be. Remember those who bought in January Shiba coins for worth $1000 are worth over $200,000. I also have some funds in Safemoon. I hope it follows the same route
Shiba needs a serious burning for it to slash zeros.
A bull run needs people like you. Most people have already collected profits from SHIB and you are likely to be left holding your bag. And SHIB is something you throw in your last 10 dollars not something you invest a lot of money in because it’s a high-risk asset. Good luck though.
I can hold the bag no problem. I know the rule. Invest something you can afford to loose.
Am just doing it for fun. Nothing professional at all. I follow your tips here btw
Did you ride on this one elder? Did you catch it before it blew up? Kuna speculations of it being added on Robinhood ones it has its own wallet. Then maybe it will go higher. But no one know what will happen in the future. Like i said am not serious into it. Just trying to ride the wave. I caught my stocks portfolio during the huge crash and am on all green so am good
I need guidance on how ride these coins before they moon…where do you guys keep tabs? Which groups/websites/telegram etc do you follow. Saidieni talker bana tuomoke pamoja.
Personally am on Robinhood and crypto currency groups on FB. Am also in crypto currency group on reddit. Thats where i get most of my newsfeed. I also use coinbase app to see how the market is doing.
Also twitter groups and yes, reddit. But also do your own research and read.
Just hold long term and you will be fine
@MTINGIZA KITANDA!!! remember this thread. Pole bruh.
Buy the dip.
Still holding?
I lost most of it but i exited before i lost it all. Am back in stocks. Crypto imenichoma kama kaswende
:D:D:D:D:D:DTakataka @Azor Ahai aliwaambia