This man is a student of Klaus Schwab, his name is Yuval Noah Harari (Jew)
This man is a student of Klaus Schwab, his name is Yuval Noah Harari (Jew)
You’re a useless eater
Davos is evil
These are enemies of humanity. People don’t belong to some corporate body to engineer, they belong to God. Anyone who thinks that they will completely replace the natural is lying to himself and will eventually be defeated, simply because no one lives forever. Technology can be created and destroyed. The human soul cannot.
As a pro putin sitambui globalist homosexual. Umbwa yeye aende akapumuliwe usogo bila kutusumbua.
Nawaz nae kaingia kwenye hizi conspiracy theories?
Namuamini sana Majid,hizi anazofanya ni too low for his stature!