Sony Ericsson P900
This phone was loved and feared by equal measure. Ilikuwa bei ya Plot kule Ruai.
Nokia 9500 communicator & Nokia 9300
Now if you were the type with balls of steel, then this were the phones for you. You had to be politician, Company Director or a thief to get yourself this devices. They cost 130K back in 2007.
I remember there was a Hijacking along Mombasa Road near Sameer and some tourists coming from the airport lost a 9300. Kitu ilipatikana Naivasha three days later. Much respect for these Nokia phones.
Nokia 6600
This model was popular with Subaru like guys of 2005. Here is a phone that demanded respect and was very popular with Lakers. Walikuwa wanaitisha empty glass kwa local pub inakua kama holder. Had crazy Music Sound quality. Pia hii ingefanya ukatwe makende tao.
ANY Blackberry
This was the phone of Presidents. From Obama to Angela Merkel. Kama hukuwa na huruma na maisha yako, engeenda kunywa pombe ukiwa umebeba Blackberry 9700