Daily Nation, The Standard, Taifa Leo, Business Daily, Savita Bhabhi

Daily Nation 17th August 2015:- http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ZMPuCEE3d0MDB0Umg4TEs3UmM/view?usp=sharing

The Standard 17th August 2015:- http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ZMPuCEE3d0X2h0RXp4ZGlCTUU/view?usp=sharing

Taifa Leo 17th August 2015:- http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ZMPuCEE3d0Z3pXMUFxN0c4VkE/view?usp=sharing

Business Daily 17th August 2015:- http://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ZMPuCEE3d0MUd0NmtWUlQzeG8/view?usp=sharing

Savita Bhabhi episode 50:- http://www.mediafire.com/download/vx7ls5ts59xb51a/Savita+Bhabhi+-+EP+50+-+Back+to+the+Beginning.pdf

blessed week


Asante, buda. Blessed week to you too.

hapo sawa

Nice !

Thanks For the great work you do.

Kindly check link ya DN. After downloading inakataa kufungua download.

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The link is fine I guess , sijaskia complain kutoka kwa member mwingine… Inasemaje?


Is it something I can change kwa settings ama… Never had this problem with any other link…

Iko problem na link. Probably others have not noticed because wanaanza na Savita.


yep…daily nation not opening after successful download…

Thanks as always @highschooler but indeed there is a problem with the DN file. Will highly appreciate if you can be able to sort it out. Thanks again.

Pia hapa haifungui

Itabidi tusome Savita leo. DN hamna

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wewe link ya DN ni mbaya…

DN haifungui… wacha nijichangamshe na Savita though ni asubuhi sana

Asanta sana

kwani jamaas wanaanza na savita wanasema thanks alafu wakifungua DN wanakuta ALA!!!?

DN ni kama amestrike. Hafunguki


ndio hio link ingine
