Hi great villagers.I am a university student and currently on our long holidays.I am pursuing business management and in my second year.My parents ni wale watu wakilipa fees hawajali venye unaishi na wanaexpect utamaliza degree kama umepata kazi uchange life yao.We are poor sijakataa but course nafanya sioni future nayo.mnaezanipea advice kama villagers on what to do to try change my life.niko na issues with my back so mjengo hua sifanyi sana…any online job naezafanya. Cc:ALL VILLAGERS
Apply for helb, buy small electronics like bluetooth speakers, laptops, tablets, phones etc and sell at a profit. Ukishajua the art of making money it will never depart from you.
Nunua Dictionary kwanza ujifunze maana ya curve
If you are in university so as in future you get employed you are better of quitting.
But then again, you are on the right track as you have accepted your situation and you need to change it.
Don’t look for a job.
Look around you ,your school ,your home and identity a problem. Now create a solution to that problem ,don’t be afraid to start small, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Think big ,be a visionary dreamer,take risks, don’t let peer pressure cloud your judgment, do what you think is right, not what is right for them.
And lastly read a lot.
Hapa itabidi umendea experts ,tafuta recruitment firms wata kuconnect na jobs poa as per your skill set at a small fee though
jaribu hawa wa ngara : management consultants 0721818726
.this requires too much capital
baby steps lad
What skills do you have ?
Hapa umesema tu mgongo unaumwa.
As a rule of thumb, try to be as professional as possible in all your communication related to employment, career guidance and scoping etc. That is the first thing a potential employer will see. Your appeal above is wanting…beginning with the language and errors in spelling. Projects you in poor light…
ntaimprove on that.Thanks sana.
Would love to help you son but am not in a position.
Ii ni venture ya 1M+ … Jinga
Putin ain’t that dumb
Patia yeye kaluma kwanza
how did you survive in first year??
kama hauko proud kazi iko hawk mayayi car wash
Uza njoti mjamaa
shoga kweli