Wadau,kwani curfew kuisha ilimaanisha watu wawache kuvaa masks.
Nimetokeleza hivi kwenda kununua Kanyama kanuthu nashangaa raia haina masks hadi Njeru.mwenye butchery,joints za cheap liquor ziko crowded kuruka na mama wa nyanya pia hana na vile anakaa kuwa vulnerable.Mnono kama mara mbili ya Willis Raburu.
Aiii am not ready for that kind of mingling psychologically.
You are a brain washed brother
Whatever you decide, CONDOMIZE!!
Mimi na vaa mask hata kama najua hii ni homa, eventually kila mtu ataipata tu. Get vaccinated if you fear. The main idea for curfew and mask is to slow its spread not to stop it.
Like @tall mnyama everywhere and myself have said hii kitu iko na a scam element.
In January Charlie Chester of Cnn admitted that his news station used to cook and inflate Covid figures to scare the public.
Great reset manenoz. Watu wakule ujeuri pole pole. The only solution is to kill these demons entirely. These demons that continue to lie.
Fauci invented AIDS, then covid and Lord knows what else.
Gathecha alikuwa ameenda kuona Biden ndio aambiwe, “Sasa fungua nchi tumeondoa hikio kimtu Trump! The great reset has began!”
Biden akae akijua tuko chonjo hata zaidi. Trump is international.
I also went for a walk around the neighbourhood today and I was the odd one out wearing a mask. Only counted 3 people wearing masks in the 1 hour spent outside. Clubs did not close until this morning around 5. It is business as usual.
Nikama Wewe na boyfriend yako muki kulana mkia munavaa mask during the steamy session
@kanguthu unaulizwa swali?
Says a man who is vaccinated.
Hii ugonjwa ni ya wazee. If you have elderly loved ones, wachukue vaccine haraka. The rest of us need to go back to work
Noticed the same yesterday. I even felt embarrassed being the only one in a mask.
you should not feel embarrassed if you value more about your life and health instead of reputation
nishacheza both dosses vaccine . niko superman mode. naskia hio vaccine inapiga mpaka mdodo sasa ni ma dryfry
Prevention starts with you and ends with you.
Watu wanavalia mask tu wakiwa tao, wasishikwe na polisi.
mask up guys, mask up, this was my horror experience 3 month ago, when in there you are all alone[ATTACH=full]393506[/ATTACH]
Pole kiongoss ,your goose was cooked but the gas ran out .all the best
indeed, I was nearly served for dinner but the gas had other ideas, and this thing has long term effects, used to run 10km upto date i cant even run 2KM yet coz of the damage to the lungs
were you masking before the ordeal?