Of late Crypto.com coin has been advertising hard on all social media. Soon on sports arena. This coin looks like has a potential. It’s been pumping last few weeks.if you buy and hold for a long time unaweza omoka by risking afew $$$$
Look at BnB from around $30 a coin to current over $500 a coin in 1yr. Ukinunua Crypto.com at the moment n hold for a long time am sure bet haitaungua. Its a trading platform like BnB.
I just bought some. One day i will update this thread. If this bítch hits 100$ a coin i will be over 1M dollars on ROI. I will hold it.
Uko Kenya? These Kenyan banks zimeanza kublock transactions zangu kwa exchanges manze
Yesterday I was attempting to purchase some pale Binance. I was spoilt for choice
Yeah niko kenya. I use dollar account.
Tumia coinbase pro, coinbase fees huwa too high…
Bank gani?
You’re using coinbase in Kenya? How did you register?
Also wondering.
I just use mpesa Option
Holes in this guys story. Even the payment method above says it’s Chase Bank and not DTB. Hii ni screenshot imeokotwa mahali and this is a hekaya thread
Usijali. Who told you i dont have a chase bank Account? I can even send an email notification i receive whenever a certain amount limit is withdrawn from my bank account. I wire money from my DTB bank to my Chase Bank account that i have linked to my coinbase and other stocks brokerage. If you need more proof ask and i will provide. Tumalizie hii mambo hapa[ATTACH=full]399681[/ATTACH]
Are you saying you can make a direct deposit from Chase bank to your coinbase, yaani bila P2P?
Are you off ramping straight to bank a/C? That’s the bit I’m interested in
Yes i have linked my bank account direct to coinbase.
How did you register to enable this? I thought it wasn’t possible in Kenya
Wait, you guys are already selling your cryptos? Anyway, must be one of them off shore a/cs. Even if its possible, its still not safe as there multiple reports of banks freezing crypto related accounts for ‘illegal transactions’
If you want a better return on your investment, buy XRP and you’ll be settled for life.