Creatures of The Tsavo-Kori Bustard

The Kori Bustard is the Heaviest Flying bird in Africa with females weighing upto 7kg and males as much as 18kg.

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Unaweza kula na sembe?

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Doesn’t that mean pharmacy can fly too
Flying Music Video GIF

Tsavo is the land of “heavies” … :scream:

It is also the home of the largest Puff Adder ( Bitis Arietans) …

Being warm supports the breeding of all types of snakes. They are everywhere, in here in the Tsavo I am afraid of only two things, snakes(Specifically the Puff Adder and Black Mamba) and Buffalos.

The Black Mamba ( Dendroaspis Polylepis ) is Africa’s deadliest snake.
Untreated , its bite has a fatality rate of 100 percent , making it a killer among killers.


The only documented case is that of Danie Pienaar , former head of South African National Parks Scientific Services who survived the bite of a Black Mamba without antivenom in 1998.

In Africa , nearly 20,000 people die of snake bites each year.

Hiyo ndege tunaweza kula kama zile flamingo za Nakuru huwa tunakula jioni hapo nje ya 3-Ways?

Hii kitu achana nayo, and it is also very fast and strong. You have less than 20 minutes to live if a black mamba bites you.

Yep …
Don’t try this at home …:blush: