Apologies for starting a new thread when there are multiple of them discussing this topic, the incident at Kirinyaga road chokoras laying a woman on the pavement. As a senior villager, wmy verdict is it was a rape under duress. The lady was not willing from the word go. you can see she resisted but was wrestled down. she succumbed to pressure from the crowd around for the fear of being harmed physically otherwise. she was intimidated. think of this, how many times did you pretentiously endure something just to fit at the moment, e.g. as simple as an unpleasant tasting beer in the company of your influential mates, a tasteless meal, etc, just to fit in the crowd’s expectations, and regretted later? she was resisting but was intimidated and pretended to give in when she realized she has no escape. forget about her saying that that was her man, she was under public duress to cooperate. my verdict THAT IS RAPE UNDER DURESS. A few of us who have been victims of criminals know how it feels to pretend you are cooperating. Maybe that’s extreme, a few already may have pretended not to feel pain when in fact it hurts deep down to the core. The incident was RAPE, the insinuated cooperation was only due to intimidation and instillation of fear. Close your eyes and imagine that was your sister, then decide on whether you would consider those men as doing justice to her. I once backed off when a very close friend changed her mind on our first to be s3x moment in the heat of the moment, just when I could have easily slid in using physical strength, but my conscience could not allow me to go in that pucci. I restrained (but made sure she realized that she disappointed me). the incident which is now a subject of discussion everywhere was rape under duress, regardless of whether a “legally acceptable case can be sustained”. it’s unimaginable to penetrate a woman who has not readily submitted to you…
Upus… Hi ndo shida ya wanaume wa mama. Unajua how many men wana wekewa mchele na kuibiwa na this pokos. Jinga hii
In my naivety I thought every rape is under duress.
Kindly enlighten me.
Are you from Imenti? are you implying there is rape that’s not under duress?
Ati rape under duress. I thought the whole point of calling something rape is that it was under duress?
That act is despicable and those chokoraas are a disgrace to any mjulubeng carrier.
Yes. A workmate used to tell me that if she found herself in such a situation at night especially she would submit. She always carries a pack of condoms. So she says she’d tell the guy/s who wants to rape her to put it on bc she’s infected (which she’s not)
May be sex under duress. @introvert wapi Tata ya rape under duress?
Already too willing manenoz…
Tulisema huyo madam ni hoeker and that chokora a paying customer. Wacheni ujuaji mingi.
Unless of course he wants us to believe there’s a willing rape.
So how does that relate to this topic
is rape that common that (some) people have to walk around prepared for any eventuality? i thought either rape happens when with people one is familiar with (in house parties where it’s about choosing wrong company or where the perp has studied victim’s movement patterns and waylaid) or “accidental” where one’s walking home late and is confronted by an advantage taker…
Hio ndio niliskia wasomi wa group of schools waki ita Stockholm syndrome?
of cos your friend carries condoms in her handbag because she hangs around pubs, night clubs and dingy alleys.
verdict = your friend is a poko.
Kuna siku I used to get home late at most almost midnight… My dad bought me a pen knife and taught me some defensive skills. He was always worried about me and I had to quite my job. I was once almost raped by a cousin of mine kwa house party. Thank God I was able to defend myself. Most of the times rape cases aren’t expected we just have to be cautious.
On that record nani anajua place naeza buy pepper spray??
Hapa TATA inatiptoe…
I said workmate… You could be right
wapi video ya chokoch akipanda dem?