I took out a $ 100 note and gave it to her. The sight of it must have made her wet. [FONT=Wingdings] [/FONT]At first she wanted to mumble something, but the sight of a foreign currency must have wowed her. As she made a shy smile, I knew I would be getting my land and a bonus trip to her thighland. But let’s recap to three days earlier.
Wanza is a girl of all seasons, the one every man should have. She can be your sister, a friend, advisor, therapist and most importantly a ‘quench-thirster.’ Her lovely figure and good grasp of every subject drew me towards her. I had heard many tales about girls from Machakos and I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass.
Saturday morning, I remembered about this brown, dreadlocked ancestor of mumbi. I called her about our planned site visit and she confirmed she’ll join me in two hours flat.
Phone rings and it’s Wanza calling.
“Hallow my tear, uko wapi”
“Aki wewe…I’ve seen your car, but I can’t see you”
“Just get in kwa hiyo hoteli hapo next, utanipata pale kwa corner’
As I stood up to hug her, I noticed that she had this flowing dress that accentuated her curves. Her manicured nails were on point too as well as her matching shoes. I pulled her a seat next to me as I told the waiter to serve her.
Too bad Kiptoo spoilt my plan. Kiptoo is the bad wingman that you wish you never invited. After two beers, he forgot about our bro-code truce and stared making advances towards my ‘papy.’ Finally my babe got fed up and she made her way to the door. I swiftly followed her and beckoned her to stay on. However, she would hear none of it. I let her go and promised to call on Monday.
Monday came and we agreed to meet at 10. Unlike Saturday, she was all covered up and I could tell she took time to select the best winter clothes from her closet. I asked her about her family, but she gave very little details. However, she confessed that her truck-driver boyfriend does not stay with them [FONT=Wingdings]:p[/FONT] and I read that as an invitation to take things to the next level.
“How’s baba Abby?”
I smiled “Ako, sawa. But he’s strict”
The moment she asked about baba Abby I knew this damsel was looking for quick success. She can gerrit, anyway. I remembered how she told me about quitting her job and how things were not looking up yet. With my windfall, it was only a matter of time before she sucked my mjubelong. I decided to play along. That’s why when she asked me how many acres I wanted, I said all of them. Clearly, she was impressed from the way her eyes shone after my response. [FONT=Wingdings]:D[/FONT]
As I dropped her at Kitengela, I felt that we had hit it off well. My philanthropic gesture had broken all the resistance. She thought I was in it for the sprints, but clearly I knew it was a marathon. We meet Friday, tomorrow.