Confirmed Bachelor

29 years old, stable and doing well career wise-have a nice house and car,very many hobbies,frequent gymer (fit), social,confident,satisfied with life.Those are my descriptions, As i was progressing in age i came to realize that the marriage life is not for me and that i will never get married and do not desire it, and have found my life to be very satisfying,ok-sijawahi kuona binadamu mwenye hana mashida kiasi lakini ni vitu naweza handle vizuri ,The only problem i deal with is the stupid eyes parents and relatives give me when i tell them i am a confirmed bachelor and intend not to marry,I find it very hard and strange to understand this people, Hao husema mimi ni player au kuna maisha naficha lol na shit kama hiyo, i sometimes prefer to avoid too much family gatherings, else i find life fulfilling,mimi si kadinya na sina hio wakati so you will not find me ‘all over Nairobi’. After work i find that i have many things to do,Africans have adopted a very fixed angle of life about marriage, life, religion etc.CBK governor proved that you can be single by choice and excel in all spheres of life, So For older veterans, or those who are in it for the long run,Same experiences kama mimi au maisha ni kivipi? What important life lessons have you picked a long the way?..


Ngojea uletewe kiti halafu ungoje mawaidha kutoka NVs wenzako


uhii mutheri utaoa lini Nv

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[ATTACH=full]70054[/ATTACH] Kwanza keti hapa NV


Boys take time to mature than girls mentally, but same drag


if you’ve made up ur mind stick to that. usije baadaye ukabadili nia when u r in ur 50s or 60s as ur kids will b calling u grandpa…

@FieldMarshal CouchP can give u a word or two, he regrets not having married earlier on in life

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It’s your bed. Make it and be prepared to lie on it. Lakini ngoja @Female Perspective akukamate, utakuwa unaona wanawake unachomoka @123tokambio!

You are a self professed wanksta and nothing may be done to salvage the remaining scrap value. Anyway I recommend that you befriend @kush yule mnono and you may be guided to convert from your heinous modus operandi.


Keti hapa kwanza [ATTACH=full]70058[/ATTACH]

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Shait nilichelewa …Kamata hii kwanza I tell you a secret


Now here is the secret …let’s talk when you are 38yrs as soon as midlife crisis kicks in. I give you 10 more years sir. Only excuse I give you is if you are like Igotthisgodamnassshitty …

Funny a V giving a NV a chair .this is joke of the day apart from @Wakanyama commenting to his other handle @wamathuraku


Apart from being A Village idot, what else have you achieved in life? Wacha ushenzi…Kua VE sio kua trump.

Mimi I can school you bro. I realised last week I’m a VE. I haven’t achieved anything . Utanipata gacororo nikimeza mapima, Mimi ni bashera, na I’m a living dead. Hope you got your answer

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Be what you are, but stop feeling important because you are a VE, unless its the only achievement you have.

Ongelesha V.E na adabu…shenz type


It’s your life, as long as no crime is committed then live it how you want.


tafuta senior bachelor @Simba Scrotum

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Shenzi Ni we we na watu wa kwenu. Enda ukakule VE status coz we we Ni noma.

This Greenhorned specimen of N.V.olious Meffi-asaurus ametoa swali poa.

VE jibuni hio.

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Atleast go thé surrogacy route… That way you Will have something to look up to…