Joannah Stutchbury, 67 years, was shot dead outside her home near Windsor Country Club at around 10pm on Thursday night in what appears to have been a targeted killing.
Logs and branches were placed on the road near Mushroom Gardens where she lived. She stopped and was shot four times, once in the head. The neighbours found her dead with the car engine still running.
Stutchbury also owned 10 acres of land there which would be worth at least Sh500 million for residential development. How many Africans own an acre of land in London’s backyard?
Perhaps for the likes of Delamere and Egerton who were wealthy aristocrats and low/mid-level nobility. Most white settlers in Kenya are the descendants of war veterans. Rank and file soldiers who were given parcels of land as compensation for their service to the crown.
Opposing land cartels who were in the process of grabbing public land next to hers’ and subdividing into 100*100 plots…she is said to have had numerous confrontations with the workers clearing the land disrupting their ‘work’ and even the developer(s) had confronted her twice, threatening her at gunpoint (which she posted on an FB group)