I want to purchase and fly in with an item through JKIA. The item itself is packaged in a slightly big box. I will carry along the receipt of purchase. Any idea what kind duties/taxes I will pay when I am at JKIA? Will the receipt of purchase be sufficient and will they calculate the taxes based on my receipt or their own estimations of the value of the said item like they do for vehicles? What qualifies as a personal item that you do not have to pay taxes for?
I believe you have an allowance of $500 and anything above that is taxed. Duty rates per category are on KRA website… somewhere…
What item is it? Different items attract different tax rates for instance a phone attracts VAT(16%),RDL(1.5%) and IDF(2.0%)
What item and why would you expose yourself to njiraini boys like that?
Anyway when they ask whether you have anything to declare simama juu ya meza and shout YES then ungoje custom wakukamue pooole poole with niceness.
Those crooks
Last I checked people unwrap those new stuff and hide those receipts very far so that the stuff they are bringing in/out can be treated as personal.