Visited home yesterday and today everyone at home is preparing to go to church. Am not going. Some neighbouring woman thinks the devil will now accompany me because of that. I told her I have a bible that I read sometimes but she insists I’ll only understand it if I go to church. Not going to church is a sign of a lost person, so she says.
My father and I are the only two people in our house that dont go to Church and are not religious, and everyone else respects our decision
Yaani that woman is so deep into it that she thinks christianity and the bible have been there foever and are a part of nature. I am the only non religious person among us. However, fathe and one sister of mine are moderates who often question the whole thing.
siasa za ocha n ngumu kuelewa… especialy religion…
Very soon I feel religion and ‘ol schoolness’ will be synonymous. That woman is a religious fanatic and the there are many of them like her. I donno why women are mostly the ones who cling onto religion like it’s flying away any moment.
Yaani senior villager mzima bado unaishi na wazazi?
kanisa mara ya mwisho niliingia 1995
does that statement mean i still stay with them? hehe ever since I was nineteen the longest I stayed na wazazi was one month
pole basi kizungu ngumu…mimi nilihama after high school
hata mimi nimeona my statement was open to interpretation
Is this woman your step mother? i have this weird feeling she is.
Nope. Some woman in that neighborhood. Is that how step mothers talk?
He he he