My fellow Christians what is the biblical position on this issue. I understand some churches do not bury victims who succumb to the above. Is it biblically or doctrinally sound to deny burial based on circumstances of death that are sinful including drug overdose,alcohol related road acceidents and other such self destructive means?
explain to us how accidents are act of sin
I’m a christian…and I despise people who call themselves Christians yet they judge others. Christians should show love to other people and mostly those that are considered “sinners”…Sadly the modern Church today only separates from them and pretend to be holier than thou! Hypocrisy everywhere…!The church isn’t for only the ‘righteous’…The best thing to do is always to follow the example of Christ,…what would Jesus do is such a situation?? Otherwise I see nothing wrong in burying them.
i did read somewhere in the scriptures written :
“Let the dead bury their dead: but go ahead and preach the kingdom of the Most High”
mathew 8:22
But Jesus told that man so because the man wanted to wait until his father had died.Then he would go with jesus and be his disciple. Jesus didnt mean the literal dead but those who didnt believe. Therefore, the dead in spirit could bury those who were dead literally.
Thats your interpretation which may not necessarily be what he meant, right?
I got it from another bible…
Self righteous bitter you yelling us of your god above