Lakini unless one is blind then you can tell that’s not Kshs, its yuan. If its just printing then it very poor quality. What about the various security features?
:D:D people are very stupid, the guy is fooling them. he puts a paper that coils inwards and at the same time ejects real notes
tiny-eye anatengeneza pesa … literally
Its a magic trick available for sale in magic shops.
Tiny eye, okey
Mukami ako na kiherehere kama jike!
:D:D:D:D:D Unahitaji nyahunyo ya mgongo.
I have an idea. you make this gadget with sufficient closure so that viewers don’t see the mechanism. Next risk some few notes and go to the countryside selling the machine at a top dollar price. mtu anyoroshe shamba akupatie kama 500K then you vanish into thin air.
:D:D:D:DAta sijui mbona nacheka
The conman who once sold the Eiffel Tower started with this trick.
Selling a money minting machine.
Insert paper on one side, eject money on the other. Only that the real money was already inside.
Wapi kinuthia adanganywe aimport haka kamashini