For decades, China’s presence in Africa has largely focused on economic, commercial and peacekeeping activities. Now, Beijing is building on that by establishing greater military links to [SIZE=7]protect its national assets[/SIZE] on the continent and gain greater geopolitical influence.
The People’s Liberation Army conducts regular joint training exercises across the region and, in certain countries that are home to major Chinese infrastructure projects under the Belt and Road initiative, the communist state has been especially active.
In Djibouti, where Chinese companies have constructed strategic ports and Africa’s first electric transnational railway, Beijing last year formally launched its first overseas military base, which also operates as a logistics and intelligence facility. Many experts now anticipate more Chinese bases in the years to come, with Namibia rumored as a potential location.
Meanwhile in Tanzania, where the state-run conglomerate China Merchants Holdings International is hoping to invest in the Bagamoyo mega port, China built a complex designed to train local armed forces earlier this year. And, at the first-ever China-Africa Defense and Security Forum in Beijing on Tuesday, the communist state announced it will provide African countries with “comprehensive support” on matters such as piracy and counter-terrorism. That includes providing technologies, equipment, personnel and strategic advice, local media reported.
mwafrika banaa ! ! ! ! exit njungus, come in the Chinese. when will we send our soldiers in Korean peninsula to safeguard mwafrika interests. say no to the Chinese.
Iv been reading comments how people in Kenya prefer Chinese loans to western. Question they want to safeguard their assets? Which assets? Have you seen the way African tourists are treated in china? Tafuta video.
African leaders wanatafuta pesa za kutengeneza haciendas na kubuy helicopters so lazima auze country to Chinese,white men and even martians if they exist.
hehe I noticed around such threads team China adherents are awfully quiet. Akina @Charley Flani, @Kilpatrick and others. They are like, “oh shiet,we did not see that coming from good old, fair China that is meant to put the evil white man in his place.”
China the breathe of fresh air that is here to finally curtail the white man’s iron grip is… putting its military on our shores?! Just like the British Nanyuki barracks… China here to protect her assets, hey I thought we were friends?!
Jeshi ni insurance policy ndio mkikataa kulipia hizo reli, mjue Jinping hacheki na mtu. Soon you’ll hear the usual chorus from the African leaders, “Sisi hatukuitisha hizi vitu zao! HATUKUITISHA!! Wao ndio walijileta huku! Why is China trying to recolonize free sovereign Africans?”
Na mjamaa anaongea hivo na amevaa suti alinunuliwa na pesa ya Xi. Sasa watakumbuka China Africa trade deficits and words like, ‘ukoloni mambo leo’.
Ni nini wewe? Naona lazima you mention me atleast once a day. :D:D:D
Anyway, hiyo inaaitwa bilateral military relations. Hakuna shida hapo. It’s a mutual win win situation.
Skiza, American propaganda will not stop the emergence of a multipolar world. Hiyo ni kama kushindana na ndovu kunia i.e. attempting to compete with an elepant in shitting -it will only shit on you!
[SIZE=7]There is growing momentum to adopt China’s yuan as a reserve currency in Africa[/SIZE]
By Abdi Latif Dahir
May 29, 2018 the better option
African central bank leaders are currently discussing whether to hold the yuan as part of their foreign reserves, highlighting the Chinese money’s rise as one of the world’s major reserve currencies.
Government officials from 14 African nations in eastern and southern Africa are meeting today (May 29) in the Zimbabwean capital Harare to discuss sovereign reserve management, according to a report from the official China press agency Xinhua. The forum is being held by the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI), a regional establishment with members including Angola, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, and Tanzania. Besides strategizing on how to improve the weakened external positions of member nations during the global economic downturn, policymakers will also debate how to keep pace with large shifts in the global economy, where China has risen as a dominant and disruptive player.
“Most countries in the MEFMI region have loans or grants from China and it would only make economic sense to repay in renminbi (Chinese yuan),” MEFMI spokesperson Gladys Siwela-Jadagu said. “With China as the largest trading partner of over 130 countries, the main challenge for African countries is how to benefit from the new pattern of international commerce,” she added.
The move underscores China’s push to internationalize its currency in order to promote trade and investment, besides boosting its soft power. This is especially true in the era of Xi Jinping whose extended rule and assertive governance are set to reshape the country’s diplomatic, military, and economic place in coming years. The move is also indicative of China’s emergence as a greater power willing to fill in a financial gap, especially in the isolationist post-Brexit and “America first” era.
For Africa, the current interest in the yuan signifies the growing Sino-Africa relations, especially as China dishes out loans, funding projects ranging from energy and transportation to agriculture, telecommunications, and infrastructure. As China takes on greater responsibilities as a world power, many African nations are also signing up to join its internationally-funded bank which offers loans to emerging economies with fewer strings attached— an action that could entrapmany in debt.
Beijing’s tight control on capital flows and a lack of transparency in monetary policies, however, continue to dampen global investor confidence in the yuan. Yet that hasn’t stopped the International Monetary Fund from adding the renminbi to the list of the Special Drawing Rights basket, an alternative global reserve asset to the dollar.
This has pushed banks globally to replace dollar reserves with the yuan, including the European Central Bank which converted €500 million worth of its US dollar reserves into the Chinese currency last year. In March, Nigeria also signed a currency swap worth $2.4 billion with China, allowing companies to avoid the difficulty of dealing in dollars while doing business in China and vice-versa.
You’re not getting the concept.Shida ya muafrika in western country nikutaka kuishi maisha ulaya thats why mnanyimwa visa na hata mkipewa alafu iexpire mnakwamia huko.when was the last time waafrika walikua exodus china eti waishi maisha ya chinku? Boats zinazama daily europe but never in asia,maisha yao nikusota tu kama sisi but kitunguu yanukia
…I believe the next frontier is the YUAN currency.
Nishaanza kustock the currency @15.15, by the time Kenya tuna-default maloans in 2022 hii kitu itakuwa @86/=
The difference between Chinese loans and Western loans is that the latter are designed to ensure you remain poor, and thus continue providing cheap raw materials.
China appears to have a genuine interest to help Africa raise their purchasing power. Of course this means we can afford to buy more Chinese goods, but at least our living conditions are better.
For the West, a small loan of sh10 billion will take years if not decades to be approved. China will approve a Sh300 billion loan without deliberately dragging their feet.
And for your info, having military bases is nothing new. And these bases are for the sole reason of balancing the other super power in the West.
US built so many bases in Europe and Asia to counter the Soviet Union. Now China is doing the same to counter the US.
So you cannot say that the US has a base in Israel so they can attack the Jews at a moments notice. They also have a bases in Norway, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy etc.
These are strong allies of Uncle Sam and if they have no reason to worry, then we have no reason to worry about China.
Alafu, after World war 2, the US literally funded Europe using the Marshall plan. No one complained that they want to colonize them.
For my final point, Kenya has demonstrated ability and willingness to pay its debts. What are you naysayers worried about?
Show me a country without debt and I’ll show you a liar.
Na hii maneno your githeri media has been feeding you. That every Kenyan owes Sh100,000. At no point will Sh100,000 be demanded from any Kenyan.
Country debts exist in perpetuity.
We borrow from Paul to pay Peter… forever and ever.
kwa hivyo hata pesa yao wanatest hapa kwetu? They’ll own the market, the infrastructure as well as the currency. Will we be assimilated as well into China like the French did in West and Central Africa and today these young black boys are playing for their national team?
Will the Chinese set aside the racism akina Kipkeino wakiimbilie China as noble Chinamen since naona nchi ni yao sasa.
it is now quite clear that they approve quickly because the infrastructure being constructed is theirs. Its their masterplan for the one road one belt project, which we in turn have to pay for.
hahahahaha sasa China wanatulinda?? From what? Wanalinda mali yao. Hizi investment zote waachilie hivyo? The British have a camp in Nanyuki not to protect Kenyans but just to ensure we keep our end of the bargain as concerns independence. Don’t go around grabbing Delamere’s shamba.
As for the Jews. Shiet they own the American economy more or less. Lazima hio tax yao ilinde Israel as well.
But those were not loans, it was one mzungu helping his fellow mzungu. It was racist white America helping her motherland Europe back on her feet.
Hii ya Xi jinping ni Africa ana grab live live ndio akuwe ni super duper global market. Na ameweka jeshi tujue he means business.
We naysayers are worried because Uhuru Kenyatra ameuza nchi. Now China even wants to dump their fish in our markets.
And no one in Kenya wants to repay those debts. Wewe labda utulipie if you are so keen to be colonized. Sio mbao ni za China MDF. sio maturufari, sio tiles, sio batteries, sio simu, sio socks, sio thuruari… what will your children make for themselves 30 years from now? In 2070 watakuwa wanakula imported dog from China. Sijui kama the Chinaman will let them settle in his country and fuck his women.
Amefukuza Waafrika sana Guangzhou, they say once you go black you’ll never go back inaonekana Mr.Xi ameanza ku panic. Charley Flani putting his black devil hands all over the snow white Siao. Destroying China’s chastity with our blackness or so they say.