My name is phyllis , 21 of age , I don’t need judgement for now on this story
I have totally nothing and I don’t have a job , I’m pregnant and my boyfriend left me for his ex and don’t want anything to do with the pregnancy , I’m looking for a good volunteer child support lawyer , please mums help a mum to be ,the position in I can’t be able to raise this kid and I can never think of doing injustice to this baby , please mums help me …the guy works at EABL.
What you need now are Finances, health insurance and peace of mind. Mambo ya child support fukuzana nayo afer birth. otherwise miscarrage is likely juu ya stress.
She does not have a job so how does she acquire the finances and the insurance?
This is why men and women can never be equal…you both had sex, you are pregnant he is not.You want child support but you do not have a child yet?? Until you give birth to the child and DNA proves the child is his…there is NOTHING you can legally do to him.
Silly girl tried to trap the guy with a ball and failed miserably
Safe sex is very important. Women must use birth control well to avoid disturbing us withb such sob stories. Ati he works at EABL. Bure kabisa
She ought to have been in fulltime education burning the midnight oil to secure a better future for her and her kids. 21???
Why don’t men insist on a condom?
Because they don’t get pregnant
Because a fool says in his heart: mimi ni ndume, nitamwaga ndaniii!
This thing of kumwaga ndani is it a dominance thing or a dare devil thing what? Bcz I’ve heard of men who have done this with a sex worker then afterwards they’re frantic going for PEP. Because in this day and age surely a sane person should never have unprotected sex with someone who they’re not serious with.
I think you are right, it’s an ego thing, very akin to giving the woman’s p__y a beating with the d__k. It satisfies a certain primitive hunger that’s a bit hard to explain. By the way there’s something base about sex in general, it is a form of “friendly war”, because of the barriers that are perceived to exist in getting it, that’s why slang words like demolishing, smashing, crush, etc. exist. That’s why some people devise BDSM practices.
Its also a weapon of actual war like in the DRC. Women get raped which means that they may get pregnant with the attacker, if not the stigma of the rape will ensure that the husband leaves the woman and they also force relatives to have sex like a son to rape his mother. It’s a violation that will never leave them and that will destroy that family.
Usually the rational behind it is to create such fear that whole villages leave areas when they hear militia are approaching their villages with minerals for mining just from the terror of hearing the kind of atrocities that they committed in other villages. They also cut out entrails and fetuses and eat offals.
The devil lives in DRC. I’ve read those survivor stories on the internet and the’ve always left me wondering whether some people are really people or Satan incarnate.
But I wanted to comment on the good side of the sensual “private war”, the side that makes a guy want to tear off your clothes without really meaning to harm you for real. Are you familiar with that? Hehe, you don’t have to answer that.
No I don’t.