Child Abuse

I know I am starting to sound like a broken record but one of the things in life that deeply moves me is seeing a child suffering. Ive often stated here that I grew up in a house that had alot of conflict and it hurt my siblings and I a great deal. So when I see kids going through some things it just breaks my heart. For the simple reason that children are innocent and they deserve that innocence and carefreeness of childhood without having to deal with the often difficult hard issues we adults have to deal with. I grew up a very sheltered life and I think as I got older and interacted with other kids I realised that many parents were not as strict as my parents and sometimes I would see the negative consequences of that debonair attitude my friends’ parents had of letting kids grow like weeds without much strictness because some of these girls ended up getting pregnant, getting abortions sometimes eloping with some crazy guys and all because their parents were not strict. Ofcourse I was like my parents are a killjoy for being strict later I realised that strict parents are good parents who are only protecting their kids from the world at an age where they lack the capacity to make sound choices and or understand that the world has alot of dangers and predators.

I often write her about my shock at how easily many parents allow their small kids to go to neighbours houses where the neighbour is a man living alone. Others even leave their kids with male workers or male relatives under no supervision. Or drop off kids for baby sitting or tuition or to be taught to play an instrument or voice lessons where its a man and there are no other children. Some who are single mums think nothing of bringing their male friends home when they have vulnerable kids in the house. Awhile back there was a story about a woman who commited suicide after her 3 year old daughter was molested by her boyfriend, the lady went to cops who made fun of the situation and wanted to sleep with her if they were to help her, she killed herself. Recently somebody I know got a divorce and her exe husband asked that she keep the lastborn who was a baby and then he keeps the first two kids, the first born is a teenage girl who she came with into the marriage meaning the man is not her biological father. Now even if the man was her biological father it still makes me uncomfortable that a teenage girl is living alone with no other woman in the house with her adoptive or even biological dad. I know some of these things are ugly and nobody wants to talk about them. Well until when the damage is already done. When its too late to do something.

We hear all the time that kids are being molested yet we can be very free with who we expose our children to, and by the way there are also female househelps who molest kids. Both male and female kids. As parents we need to take our responsibility in taking care of our kids very very seriously. Lets not be too busy chasing paper meanwhile our kids are being molested,introduced to drugs and even suicide cults. Then when shit happens is when you realise you had completely lost touch with your children. You dont know where they spend their time, you dont know their friends or that people whom you trust have been abusing your children or exposing them to things you dont want them exposed to.Be sensitive about older kids or adults who go out of their way to spend alot of time with your kids.

Your children are your greatest investment in this world. If you think your businesses or your career is your biggest investment you are dead wrong because at the end of the day, when you expire all those precious investments that you are working so hard for will end up with these children and then what good will it be ,even if you leave them the Mariott and theyre already damaged, theyre junkies, theyre trainwrecks? What good will come of it. We are not God so we can not be there all the time and everywhere to protect our kids from all the ills in this world but we can try and we can be present in their lives and we can give them dignity and a strong sense of self so that they dont end up in bad peer groups or promiscuity because they feel money is what matter most to you and you dont have the time for them, to mentor them and get to know them. Love to a child is spelt TIME. The most beautiful memories I have of my childhood was the time my parents spent with me, the times theyd sit me down and talk to me about things that were bothering me and when theyd teach me how to do things. The one on one contact and prescence they gave me helped me feel that I have dignity and so unlike many girls my age who would enter into all kinds of exploitative situations or allow themselves to be victimised, I would just feel repulsed because adults who would want to exploit my innocence and vulnerability as a child could find no chink in my armour because my parents would protect me as much as they could and then they would spend time with my siblings and I and even at times take time off work just to spend time with any of us who seemed to be going through something.

Its very sad and unfortunate when kids get exploited and harmed because of something that could have been avoided. Please let us all treat children,all children, our own and those of others with the dignity they deserve. Let us not put money before our children.Let us not pimp out our children for money. One of the most painful things Ive ever experienced was watching an old mzungu taking two children who didnt look over 10 to his room from the beach in Malindi, I was mortified for a very long time. I told the hotel owner , a woman to please remove those children before I get the cops involved and it end up costing her alot of money in bribes. I understand that poverty is real but after selling your 9 year old daughter for 500 bob or even 5k , does that alleviate your poverty? You are still poor and now you have no dignity and your child is damaged psychologically. Let’s talk to our kids about inappropriate touching and tell them that if anybody is doing anything inappropriate to them they should be able to come to us as their guardians and protectors and tell us before things get out of hand. If you are involved in your child’s life you can pick signs when something sinister like them being groomed by an adult is happening.

The reality is that there’s evil in the world sometimes that evil can reside in people we entrust our children to like teachers,priests,workers and even fathers.So dont put 100% trust in anybody when it comes to your kids and dont tell your kids to obey and trust authority figures unconditionally because this is the area predators exploit that deference kids have for adults or even older kids. We must protect children from all these evil. We must. Better safe than sorry. Better to be overly strict than to have your child’s life ruined by predators. Let’s pray for kids’ protection but let us also play our part to bring up a generation that isnt messed up the diabolical forces in the world. This is a very painful topic but then all it takes for evil to thrive is for good men to be silent about it. Childhood is sacrosanct and children are sancrosanct. They deserve better than to be physically,psychologically or sexually abused. My Prayers go up for all abused children in this world I hold them in the light. :cry:

know what are paragraphs, lakini the points are valid. I have a boy and your perspective is about girls only. the caution couldn’t have been said better.

Hey girl. How ya doin?

Please summarise in future.

Naona pia R Kelly was abused as a kid , most predators have a history of abuse !

The problem is that there is an agenda to normalise pedophilia and hebephilia so we cant differentiate between an adult and a child or pubescent.

Sexualization of children mpaka kwa Cartoon Network

Normalization of child sex

Mainstreaming of Pedophilia

Pedophilihiles and hebephiles like R Kelly are now called Minor Attracted People

This is what pedophilia does to children

nah,you sound like a palito with a torn speaker:D:D:D:D

No it is not, matter of fact the people who I know ended up worse than any girl I knew are boys. I know of 2 boys now who used drugs till theyre now psychotic, they walk naked and dirty on the streets, I know boys who are junkies and they cant do anything other than chase drugs, I know a boy from a middle class family who joined a gang and ended up shot dead. Many more committed suicide. I know one who died at 20 after becoming involved in homosexuality and drugs. I know a boy who became a drug dealer and then one day he just disappeared into thin air, his body was found dumped someplace in Machakos. Infact I dont know any girl who these things happened to . Matter of fact, just recently, a group of 15 year old boys raped and killed a 7 year old girl. A boy killed himself after playing a game called Blue Whale.

Children need attachment. Look for Gabor Mate’s work on this. If you are not there to give that attachment there will be other people who the child will attach to,and those will be the people directing your child’s life. So you must be the primary attachment for your child so that they can take on your values and you must also protect them from wrong relationships,attaching to the wrong people and taking on false values. Until such an age that their sense of self is strong enough for them to understand what is or isnt good for them. In psychology, we say that parents act as a mirror for the child, the child develops a self based on what his/her parents mirror to the child. If a child is made to feel that money has more worth than them then when approached to do something degrading,harmful or even illegal for money you know they will choose the money over themselves. They will do things that lower their dignity for money. They will do things for other peoples love and approval which demean them because the parents didnt mirror that they are the most valuable thing in their parents lives. If parents abuse the child, for example they go to tell the child their problems, like how divorced people like tearing each other down infront of their kids, the message the child gets is that you dont value them enough to respect that the other person is their parent first and deserves respect. The message they get is my getting even with my exe means more to me than your peace of mind and happiness, I cant sacrifice my ego for you, I cant stop telling you my problems because my angst means more than the damage I do to you the child by speaking ill of your dad/mom. People think raising kids is just providing, if this were the case why is it that so many kids from well to do homes arent doing well? Love is what the child needs, dignity and such a strong sense of self that even if the whole world was doing drugs or being promiscuous if its wrong for your child as an individual then thats all (s)he needs to say NO because they are the most important person in their lives and wont allow others to be more important especially those others want them to engage in demeaning and destructive things ,kids must have strong values and boundaries by the time they leave your care and become responsible for their own life. This is the most important role bequeathed by God to parents.

Its a vicious cycle…the abused becomes the abuser…

Saw this sometime back I was so sure the girl was a gone case the patient the showed her was phenomenal !

Shows you nobody is beyond repair. Most likely R Kelly’s sis was also molested like this girl then molested her bros.