Chicken plucking machine
What the fuck were you looking for to find this?
Alikuwa anataka @Chinja kuku
You will find leftist Democrats like @hewa safi very appalled by such a video. They will call this cruelty to animals because they are tree hugging, vegans. As if the plants they eat don’t have feelings when they are being chopped up.:rolleyes:
These leftists will feel very sad for these poor chickens but feel absolutely nothing for human babies who are about to be abor. ted! My body my choice.
That is the world we live in. They will cry because a puppy was treated inhumanely but feel nothing that America has ab.orted over 60 million human babies.
These leftists even want to ban ultrasounds because the mother might see the child on that video screen and change her mind on abo.rtion.
You see abor.tion is a multi billion dollar industry protected by Obama, Obamacare, Hillary and friends.
And they advertise it as a quick and safe procedure for girls. Painless.
What they dont say is that a baby fights to the death. Even when one arm is ripped off it holds on to the placenta refusing to leave. It was designed to fight and hide. Many times they have to crash the skull first to drag it out.