Finally the loud mouthed,egocentric Joe has been handed down another defeat.
A mouth watering game.
I have a reason to sleep with my shoes on after gunners grabbed vital point.
The blues should know people.
This league I highly doubt they will make it.
Reporting live at zone 7.
his ass has been handed to him leo atanuna kwa nyumba mpaka bibi yake ashindwe kama anaishi na dadake
Maureen harassing wife[ATTACH=full]12292[/ATTACH]
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Photoshop fail.
Uliskia wife wake ni Wenger kubaff.
Maureen harrasing Eva Caneiro
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Kwani league iko wiki ngapi sasa?
Hio game just showed vile chelsea got a long way to go. But enyewe ni mapema to sana… Over 34+ games left so let’s await the champion this season
Classic Arsenal line
The bus even on new tyres crashed.:D:D
Man au Tuko Sawaaa