She got married now looks like a baby hippo
It would be nice to start by telling us who she is.
Nani yeye
This family is blessed with brains,money, looks and fame.
It’s a certain kisii family that most of us wanted to be associated with when growing up. Very very famous family in kisii. Tried one of the girls in my yester years but niliambiwa sitoshi mboga. Swallowed my pride and moved on
So she’s related to honourable sagini…the famous first education minister and older brother to Dr bitange ndemo?
Exactly. It’s a big name and big family. Ukioa from there , fame, deals and connections come as a package. They didn’t like Luhyas so I surrendered.
Pole sana kizee, atleast ulijaribu.
I only know the brothers so can’t comment on family looks. Lakini hela iko for sure.
That money also went south, btw.
ungetumia mganga kutoka TZ or kitui … hiyo mboga ingetosha naugawie wanakijiji…
shimo ni ile ile… but kaa ako na game sure…
I couldn’t afford Dowry.as I said it’s a big family name. I couldn’t afford 13 cows then not even 3. Ukichengwa kubali.nilikubali
Prof. Bitange Ndemo
Bitange alinipa sweep fulani but I’ll remind him when one of his sons akija kwangu to take one of my girls. I’ll remind him what happened decades earlier… I’ll wait
Yes him
Mtu hufunga bao kwanza b4 negotiations za ng’ombe zianze
Ndio huyu hapa.Hii ni ki kisii anaimba?I even thought she was not kenyan.
kitu funny ni ati kuna mtu ameboeka na nunu yake