BTC Falling Below $6,500, ETH Down Under $500

How low can we go?

Bitcoin (BTC) has taken an over 11 percent negative hit, trading around $6,449 to press time, bringing its monthly losses to almost 25 percent.

The leading cryptocurrency has now fallen below what some commentators consider to be an average BTC mining profitability threshold of $6,500. Robert Kelly told CNBC earlier today that this figure assumes that Bitcoin miners need to update their hardware almost every 18 months, bringing the costs of mining to roughly between $5,900 and $6,000.

Mining profit margin calculations globally have indicated a wide threshold, ranging between an extremely cheap $531 in Venezuela to a whopping $26,170 in South Korea. Aside from hardware costs, the local cost of electricity supplies is the other key factor affecting miners’ profits.

Are you looking to hodL or buy some more?

Shida ni vile they’re mining for sale, but it’s not clear what value it has to prospective buyers except speculation. Ni kama land Kenya. The hype around it has made it unusable as a currency, which was the original point.

very sober comment.

But when there is blood on the streets…

Remind me why we still don’t call it a pyramid scheme?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is most definitely not a penguin
The underlying tech, however, is great. It is unfortunate that it came ahead of its time. What’s more, it was misconstrued by the majority of “investors”.
[SIZE=1]Meanwhile, I’m waiting for BTC at 1K.[/SIZE]

Btc is a currrency and tthe fluctuation is not strange. We have seen more unstable currencies such as silver, Zimbabwean dollar, euro, and even Kenyan shilling.

We all agree that it is a currency, but 50%+ of its users treat it as stocks. They don’t understand/care where BTC derives its value from. They just buy, hodL, and like any other pig, they never think about the depreciation of value. They’re always pointing their noses to the moon. You should take a peek at some crypto forums just so you understand how deluded the market is.

Try learning about the fundamentals and mathematics of a pyramid scheme. Use this - Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia

A month ago I was close to investing 11,000 shillings on a cryptocurrency called Ripple Xrp. At the time one Xrp unit was going for 1 US dollar and it was the only cryptocurrency I could afford (I wanted at least 100 coins). The thing is you can only buy a cryptocurrency through a cryptocurrency exchange and most of them are in Europe. I was going to buy my Xrp units through an exchange called bitstamp. I had to make a wire transfer to their account in Luxembourg. Equity Bank wakaniambia I have to add an extra 4k as transaction fees. I abandoned the mission and it seems I dodged a bullet. Right now Xrp is trading at half a dollar which means that my 11k imekua 5k right now.

[SIZE=5]wewe kweli unaonekana NewBie kwenye Cryptos.
Tangu lini Crypto zikanunuliwa kwa bank wire transfer. lengo la Crypto (block chain technology) ni kuondoa expensive transaction costs za middle men (banks).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Sisi Bongo tukitaka kununua altcoins simple sana. Tunaingia remitano exchange tunalipana kwa M-PESA unapata BTC zako then unaenda Binance exchange kununua altcoins unazotaka kwa kutumia hizo BTC as a medium of exchange.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Nyie Kenya M-PESA yenu mnaitumia kununua vocha tu??? Amkeni.
By now I am HODLING 3000 coins of RIPPLE. [/SIZE]

I’m enjoying the price drop been slowly buying the dips for the last few months.

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I usually buy on then send to whichever exchange I want. After that I buy altcoins.

Sasa lengo langu ni kuwauliza villagers, which coins are buying now pia mimi ninunue? I’m looking for 50% gains in maximum of 2 weeks.

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Ni broker ambaye hana commission, pia ni rahisi kufungua akaunti , I takes around 24hours kupata akaunti yako ya live, unachohitaji kuwa nacho ni ID tu ya uraia,au passport, au voter ID au driving lessen.
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Kikubwa kutoka kwa huyu broker unaweza kudeposit na kuwithdraw kwa M-PESA ukiwa kwenye bedroom yako no need to go at the bank kupanga mafolen. Mfano Mimi this morning nimepata profit ya $70 nimeamua kuitoa sasa hivi kwa mpesa. Kama unahitaji kuopen an account kwa huyu broker follow this link then click open an account, you will thanks me later , kama ukikwama sehemu let me know I will help you.


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Kenya tayari tuna bitcoin ATM, nyie bado mko nyuma sana.

[SIZE=6]ATM isiyokua na watumiaji hicho ni Choo.[/SIZE]

Acha pupa jirani, umekuwa Kenya muda gani ndio ujue kama haitumiki?