Bring our suffering KDF POW's Home



Urgently bring ALL our POW’s home from Somalia.
And the Somali Government sitting in Mogadishu must get involved in that effort.

It is now 8 Years since the El Adde KDF FOB Camp Massacre where almost an entire Battalion was lost in just one day of combat.

We have good men ( …and probably even women …) who have been left behind to the tender mercies of Al Shabaab.


They need to be urgently brought back home , re-united with their families , receive all the necessary PTSS care , Medical Support , their total accrued Salaries and Benefits , Honorable Discharges from the KDF and resettlement back into their various communities …

The Widows , Children and Dependents of the Departed should likewise be attended to and the memories of the Fallen given suitable National Honour and Closure.

The concerned CS for Defence should make this Her priority instead of Tree Planting Activities with Kaongo …!!

Bure Kabisa …!! :rage:


wewe unahurumia watu wa kdf?

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Bring Them Home. Its the only best thing to do.

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io sio kazi ya PS wa defence. watu kama ao huwachiliwa through negotiations, sio nguvu za silaha.

ministry ya foreign affairs, ministry ya trade, na ministry kama izo ndio zinaweza saidia io maneno, lakini haziwezi.

Izo ministry ziko kwa mkundu ya mtu,

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These brave men and women in uniform went forward and defended your ass when Al Shabaab attacked…

It is the very least that you can do for them …

And that useless Somali Government sitting in Mogadishu needs to be a part of the solution…:rage::hotsprings:

the same somali people have your entire security system by the balls.

You purportedly free kenyans living in kenya, and the prisoners of war held in Somalia, are at the mercy of arabs of somali origin, hamna tofauti na ao wafungwa.


Makes me wonder at times …

What is the usefulness of all those crack Recce Company fellows if not for important tasks such as rescueing our POW’s in Somalia …???:angry:

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