BREAKING: Hamas surrenders, say they are ready to release all hostages

This goat fuckers are crying after starting out fire. Na bado. Israelis should pummel them more to teach them basic mathematics: 1 Jew life = 100 Palistinkians lives. Should be a solid deterrent. The Israeli government can’t prevent Israelis from being butchered in their Kibbutz, but they can put a very high price on every Jewish blood spilled.


You fellows don’t seem to get it …

This is not a joke as far as Israel is concerned …

Israel intends to go into Gaza , dismantle all Hamas military capabilities , kill , maim or imprison all Hamas combatants and turn over the territory back to the legitimate Palestinian Authority with one Caveat …

Hamas ( … or any other Terrorist outfit …) will not be tolerated in Gaza …

It is really that simple …


Fake news

Real News …:blush:

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We are waiting to see if it’s that simple . Those destroyed buildings are cover for hamas . When Israeli dogs enter Gaza for a ground opereshen u will understand why American imperial LGBT army fled zoomalia Mogadishu and left their black eagles wrackages huko without even caring to savage the black boxes

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Hao hamas wanafaa kufirwa mkia bila lube

Gaza should be flattened completely just like that prophecy in Zephaniah chapter 2 says

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Your Content
Zephaniah 2
New International Version
Judah and Jerusalem Judged Along With the Nations
Judah Summoned to Repent
2 Gather together, gather yourselves together,
you shameful nation,
2 before the decree takes effect
and that day passes like windblown chaff,
before the Lord’s fierce anger
comes upon you,
before the day of the Lord’s wrath
comes upon you.
3 Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land,
you who do what he commands.
Seek righteousness, seek humility;
perhaps you will be sheltered
on the day of the Lord’s anger.

4 Gaza will be abandoned
and Ashkelon left in ruins.
At midday Ashdod will be emptied
and Ekron uprooted.
5 Woe to you who live by the sea,
you Kerethite people;
the word of the Lord is against you,
Canaan, land of the Philistines.
He says, “I will destroy you,
and none will be left.”
6 The land by the sea will become pastures
having wells for shepherds
and pens for flocks.
7 That land will belong
to the remnant of the people of Judah;
there they will find pasture.
In the evening they will lie down
in the houses of Ashkelon.
The Lord their God will care for them;
he will restore their fortunes.[a]

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I think IDF’s strategy is to test Hamas’ endurance to the limits. Keep the Hamas on edge till they get mental fatique, then wawe wame exhaust their food supplies, then surprise them with an invasion. This is also a common strategy in hostage rescue. You surround the hostage site and keep telling the hostage takers that you’re just about to strike, kisha the security guys keep changing shifts. New squads come in with more threats, kick the door abit na magaidi are on standby for war for hours on end. Over time magaidi watachoka akili, food ziishe, and surrender without a single gun shot.

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IDF should flood the so called Hamas tunnels with the extremely salty water from the Dead Sea to flush out these thugs.

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Why on earth would a terrorist surrender when their ultimate goal is to die and be martyred? Mimi nimewatch documentaries za hawa terrorists and all they keep saying is that they want to die, life is just a nuisance delaying them from being in paradise. Music, sports, art or anything nice makes you attached to life delaying their journey to paradise. They want to die. Watajilipua if any rescue mission is attempted.


Deep down, no one really wants to die. Listen to this Hamas fighter just minutes before he dies, and then how he screams like a little bitch when a bullet strikes him… first feels like he’s really not into the idea of being around that place just from the way he breathes heavily.

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shughulika na mama wa matak kubwa. umbwa

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Well the guy’s been shot, it’s not like he would start celebrating when he’s in pain. All he knows is once it’s over he will be in paradise. It never even occurs to these guys that God might not exist. Hao wanajua God exists FOR A FACT (even though no one has ever seen him) and paradise also exists. The Egyptians built their pyramids, beautiful temples, sculputures etc all for religion in the name of non existent gods but huyu wa Abrahamic religions ndio the real deal. Huyu ana exist na wa Egyptians/Greeks/Indians never existed.

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There are basically 3 types of Terrorists:-

  • Masterminds.
    Usually Intelligent , Articulate , Well connected , facilitators , planners or sponsors.
    They never get their hands dirty and are usually based in “safe zones” enjoying luxurious safe lives with their families and mistresses.
    They are the “spokesmen” and idealogists of the organization.
    [ …the current Hamas Political Leadership resides in luxury in the UAE …]

  • Field Commanders.
    These are ruthless , cunning and often smart operatives who allocate resources and manpower to the rank and file.
    They are often sadistic , twisted minds who regard their men as expendable tools.
    They also do most of the training and recruitment.

  • The Foot Soldiers.
    These are two types :-
    Mindless , Brainwashed morons who do not think beyond orders …
    Or …
    Psychologically taumatized individuals out to settle personal scores or on a revenge agenda.
    These ar generally “cannon fodder” who have no chance against a professional soldier …

Their only advantage is a willingness to die for their cause

These Hamas terrorists KNOW who they are up against

And they also know the 200 Hostages are the only card against instant death …
[ … Israel has plenty of Precision Bunker Busting Bombs that will cave in the entire Gaza Tunnel Network …]

These bombs did wonderful duty in the Afghanistan Tora Bora MountainsTunnel Complex of Osama Bin Laden:grinning:

Shida ni moja when Hamas members remove their Hamas clothes and melt into the civilian population how will the IDF get them?

But I support Netanyahu, that so called civilian population is part of HAMAS , hiding and supporting HAMAS, bomb and kill a good number so that next time they will volunteer information

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We are waiting to see if it’s that simple . Those destroyed buildings are cover for hamas . When Israeli dogs enter Gaza for a ground opereshen u will understand why American imperial LGBT army fled zoomalia Mogadishu and left their black eagles wrackages huko without even caring to savage the black boxes

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In terms of numbers , Hamas and Hezbollah are quite few …

I have always stated here …
The War on Terror is being fought very wrong all over the World …

The trick is to Terrorize the Terrorists
It is far cheaper and the State of Israel has endless manpower and resources …

  • Assassinate or order hits on all their top level Leaders ( and families ).
  • Wipe out all their suppliers , facilitators , spokesmen and financial sources
  • hit all their training camps and weapons caches.
  • booby trap their homes , cars and any physical properties they own.

Most important , do it quietly
Small KIDON teams roaming all over the world as “Tourists” and supported by local Israeli Embassies …

Make them look over their shoulders and shit in their pants every time they leave their homes , go shopping or walk around in public

That is how to handle those animals …:blush:

