Boyfriend manenos :Woman hunt

I am being fair today

Dangerous woman, that. If I were in the guy’s shoes (God forbid), I would also dodge out of Dodge. Poor chap, he might never go back home if she’s never found. As he darts about in dark glasses in dim subway stations, the woman could be receiving all kinds of post-yoga thrills in Nepal, or climbing the Atlas in Morocco. Damn.

She will yoga you to death

I can’t fathom how you can spend a life of hiding from someone. That’s like a living death

She will be caught soon. The guy is wise to hide, he knows her better and that is why he’s hiding.

I know they’ll find her, but before they do he’ll be in hell

You can not be safe when a psycho yoga instructor is hunting you down. Last I heard was that she was in NYC. She sure knows how to hide.

I can imagine how traumatizing it is not to be able to walk to the mall, or be out in open daylight because someone who knows you very well could be tracking you down to delete you. Waiting minute after minute, every day, hoping to hear she’s been caught. He’ll be a house prisoner till then.

Ha, that’s a prey’s mindset. The best form of defence has always been attack. If the dude wants to survive I’d say take the fight to her. Let the hunter be the hunted. Hiding from a woman just because she’s psycho, weak, very weak.

Obviously you have never watched fatal attraction. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

In fact a woman who knows you intimately can be a more dangerous enemy than a man, 'cause she knows some of your weaknesses and also secrets most other people don’t know. She knows how you think, she knows your habits, your friends, and the kinds of places you go to. Besides, she can use her wiles to get very bad people to find you, not necessarily herself. Another thing, if she does find you, you’ll know a .45 in a woman’s hand can split a man’s head just as an axe would a water melon.

And the ending of that movie only justifies what I’ve been trying to say all along, the mistake they made was underestimate her, but attacking her was the best way to end it.

That boiled pet rabbit scene has never left me.