Ndugu na dada zanguni i need assistance kupata deal poa kwa body builders, kuna Lorry ya 2.5 ton inahitaji closed body, who knows the best rates around town, Nakuru is too far…nimeambiwa nisitry LSHS ju bei yao ni from 300 kupanda…
@Wakanyama hapa kuna fiashara
Be specific uko wapi ?are you in mogotio, njoro, olenguruoni, marioshoni, thika, naivasha? ???
unaweza taka mzee?
Kongowea Sokoni, Nyakach, Lurambi, Suguta Mar Mar, Cheplambus, Chebarbar, Lari, Kathiani ama Magadi???
Ruai and its environs
mzee hapana ju ile kazi inaenda kufanya ni heavy duty and I’m told shelf life ya body is between 5 to 7 years
mzee hapana ju ile kazi inaenda kufanya ni heavy duty and I’m told shelf life ya body is between 5 to 7 years
are all those towns in Kenya, adding some to my bucket list
Inbox me.
Some of these don’t really qualify as towns but, yeah… Kenya ni kubwa.
There’s a place in Inda just after iyo roundabout ya kupanda bridge ya railways(which will be to your left). Ukiuliza hapo utapata.
How is Nakuru far?Kwani you are pushing or towing the chassis all the way to the Body builders?
nimepata place inaitwa Vishkarma for 200 flat with customization like side door, fuel n battery encasing
nimepata place inaitwa Vishkarma for 200 flat with customization like side door, fuel n battery encasing
issue ni logistics, kuenda Nakuru itabidi kulipia number plates ya KG…
there’s a fun thing about discovering new towns, kwanza watu wakijua wewe ni wa Nairobi they accord you so much heshima
I get you.