This Porn Site has been going viral everywhere.
People are trying to get it shut down.
Now there’s a video of a black mom pimping her
yerro yerro daughter to mzungu men.
This Porn Site has been going viral everywhere.
People are trying to get it shut down.
Now there’s a video of a black mom pimping her
yerro yerro daughter to mzungu men.
This is why I always tell men ,usiende uki dry fry kila dame.
Some women ,you’ll get them pregnant and this what they’ll do to your child.
Not every woman is worthy of your seed.
Ubaya the whacko ones have freaky shaging.
Shiiiet! This isn’t real
Sadly it is.
ati they pay $1500 per scene…pesa kidogo compared to what these white guys are making, and no amount of money should be enough to buy the disrespect these guys throw at the girls
Mzungu Ni meffi they exploit and rape women on set and get away with it
Niggas are idiots
Imagine black guys doing this to a white woman.
The only thing left is to shit on their mouths and make them swallow
They do. But na consent ya hao white women and probably behind tightly controlled scenes