Three days ago I switched on my laptop and saw a dark line across the screen. Each passing day it grew in size. Now it have formed a couple of black spots. Anyone with idea how I can remove these black Spots.???
Get a replacement it’s got ebola
Possibly dead/dying pixels.
There might be no removing, but replacing is a must.
I replace the whole screen at how much???
I recently replaced my hp laptop screen with 6500 (maybe niligongwa). So maybe thereabouts
Yes there is a way. Replace the screen.
@Ice cube wapi hapo. hizi spots zaboo sana
Total cost should be around 3500 but depends on size and make
paka fair and lovely
Ati black spot? Kama si mbaya kama ya sachangwan hiyo mambo hatutaki kuskia.
Iliamua kukuja na marafiki…
Ama carolight:D:D
Press that line continuously back n fourth with pressure.but not a permanent solution.most mordern screens are developing that weakness after a short period.when replacing look 4 a 2nd hand screen
Its broken from behind. replace screen. kawaida about 5-7k or thereabouts for 15.6" 1366X768 depending on the number of pins 45/30.
why second hand ??
Dead Pixels ebu try Kutumia Pixel Healer, It may work
inajiita tu hivyo “pixel healer” ??
Its an app, It tries to revive the dead pixels
i have trieed that apps …but non works. kunyonya tu bundles zangu but i ll try this one nione.
What brand of laptop? Mine healed itself. Same problem you described. Give it time.