Black Serial Killers

Black men don’t even get airtime if they kill a hundred people. Enyewe racism is real in America.

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There is a black serial killer going by the name sam he is currently apprehended at the age of kitu 80’s has the highest confirmed kill count in us went undetected for decades juu alikua anua other poor blacks in the ghettos in different towns

I don’t know why this sounds funny. Yaani ata kwa mabaya bado hatutambuliki. Ion you should stop worshipping white people.

Why would I do that, when I wear their clothes, worship their God, eat their food and speak their language? They are the best thing that ever happened to us.

His name is Samuel Little. He killed over hundred of sex workers but you can’t compare his media coverage with say Ted Bundy. He was actually a genius because over a period of 30 years, he was a late bloomer, he could draw all his victims and remember many details when he was in his 70s.

I watched a Netflix series about him. What a charming old Southern man. Scintillating conversationist. No wonder he killed so many women. He said that a voice started telling him to strangle women when he was 6. His mom was a sex worker maybe that traumatized him. Dunno. He started his career as a serial killer in his 30s which is late because they start early. He traveled with an elderly lady to make him look harmless and provide for him since he never worked . It’s a very fascinating story but almost zero coverage.

I think ted bundy’s media coverage is attributed due to him being one of the first serial killers in America plus the demographic he mostly target “Young white women”.

Is it a serial killer thing to be charming or is it a psycopathic attribute think about how Matara was charming when messaging women.

Seems like he had co-morbid scyzophrenia(hearing voices e.t.c), and maybe his mother traumatized him being most sexual workers are trauma victims, maybe he hated his mother hence the targeting of sex workers.

The shocking thing is that he almost got away with it, he was caught as a suspect of a murder and the police didn’t know he was a serial killer, he confessed years later 2 years before he died in prison.

Makes you think about how many have “gotten away with it” and died peacefully and naturally.

I didn’t know his mum was a sex worker, but I know she left Ted’s dad and married a guy called Bundy who adopted Ted.

Ted Bundy was actually a very charismatic guy. He was good looking, charming and he was studying to be a lawyer. He defended himself during his trial and the sitting judge was really impressed by his defense . He would charm most of his victims who were college girls. I remember one time he found a couple in a secluded area and killed them.

Ted’s last victim was a 12 yo girl and he decapitated her. His gf had a daughter that same age and he was an amazing father to her.

Forgive me but I have to bring my former umalaya into this. When I was based in Gil Gil I used to go and party in Nakuru and sometimes I’d chew a few “working girls” if you know what I mean. Some one them told me about a guy who was killing whores in Nakuru but the Police were hesitant in doing something cause the victims were prostitutes. Thanks to NTV the story was exposed. The frequency of killings reduced. Then stoped all of a sudden. In total the girls told me of Eleven girls who were butchered. The status of victims plays a role when it comes to killers getting away, at least temporarily.

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