@Bingwa Scrotum was on my last post saying ,and I’m quoting him ; “note: I have been on the SSpot for so many years now and we dont feel threatened at all at all at all”
Nilidhani Luos ndo muscular. Usisahau pia apo kwa Nilotes kuna Kalenjin . In short this is pure horse crap you’re advocating for. There’ll be no supremacy achieved until all Africans identify as one, of course that excludes Arab at the north and wannabe arabs. Wewe unapromote tribalism yenye imeenda shule. I also wouldn’t expect an average Kenyan to know which group they subscribe to
Luo’s have alot of Bantu DNA given to them by the Luhya.
Bantu isn’t a tribe so I don’t know why you’re saying tribalism?
We’re an ethno-linguistic group with a common ancestor.
I would classify this as ethnocentrism.
Yes we should unite as black Africans but if [B]cushites/B and nilotes (S.Sudanese ,Akina Bottom up + Akina Jaber)
keep talking shit about the most dominant group of Africans(the Bantu) then don’t cry when we talk shit back.
Nilotes I’m more lineant towards when it comes to this ,nivile wanna penda ku compete na sisi sana.
Cushites kabisa it’s a no-no.Sana sana Al Shaytan Zoomali’s.
Mmmh this has finally clicked for me. How akina Abdul bypassed Kenya and went slave hunting in Congo and Mozambique… Same with muzunguu huko west Africa hadi Angola. Bantus are blessed with more brawn than brain
Akina Abdul and Mohammed couldn’t even fika Mt.Kenya\the inlands without having their asses sent packing by Central Bantu.
The only reason they we’re able to enslave some bantu’s was because the coons who converted to Islam at the coast helped them.
That’s literally a summary of the slave trade. Convert bantu’s assisting their "Arab brothers" capture “Non-Muslims”.
In fact same thing happened in the Kingdom of Kongo ,except instead of Islam ,they we’re shown white Jesus.