I get my phenylacetic acid from the barrel with the bee on it.
That’s how I know how to do it.
2)Tell this asshole if he wants to learn how to make my product, he’s got to
do it my way, the right way.
3)So you understand what asshole means. Now, go get me my phenylacetic acid, asshole
3)Gives us time to talk about the state of this
lab.Don’t you have standards? I mean, this place is disgusting. we’re going to scour every vat, every tank, every cook surface, and then we’re going to clean up every possible source of
contamination, and only then we cook.Comprende?
Who do you think you are? I’m the guy your boss brought here to show you
how it’s done, and if this is how you run your lab, no wonder. You’re lucky he hasn’t fired your ass.
ziii; kwa hii series the best scenes in breaking bad is when they were in Mexico cooking meth and negotiating with the kingpin cum drug lord Don Eladio(sp) (the guy in ray donovan). I still have the mexico scenes kwa lappy after deleting the series. The script writer and director 4 sho need a medal for the scenes shot in mexico… #sick_junkies !
The scene the owner of the post just put up there was when Jesse was showing Don Eladios(sp) guys how to do it then the next scene Gustavo kills them if am not wrong