Wadau, kindly saidia, which is the best brand kwa hii price range? … kitu at least 43 inches
Nunua Mooka. Or Hisense
hisense or tcl
TCL 43P8M. Usijaribu kubuy ingine. Its 37-40k depending on where you’ll buy it. Now close this thread.
Jishikilie Hicense, 43". It has been serving me well for 2 years now
Bruhm is a very fake teefee. I got a fwiend who has a malfunctioning 55’’ and it just started showing lines on its own.
This TV is really cheap and I have been having doubts about its performance. For real, you have been using it for two yrs, no pwoblem with it?
2 years, no issue. Na ninawatch live TV na movies karibu kila siku, streaming is once in a while
Ni nini hii thread bado inaendelea. Si uchukue TLC mbio mbio
Chukua Mooka. Hio Tv i always say is underrated.
Thanks for the recommendations. Hisense na TCL zinakaa kuweza! Seen a lot of youtube reviews…
Wewe chagua TV yenye haina jina kwa market, kuna companies wanaunda teli fiti but hawana jina. Tafuta fiti ukiangaliaga specs za teli from various brands.
Hio ni 32 k… 40k ni LG yawa.
Wewe ndo unauza na iyo bei nikujie ingine
Ghasia charge simu
4K is overrated and the content is limited locally and most people don’t have enough bandwidth to stream or the time needed to wait for the downloads to complete…
Rudi Chepalungu penye umtoka na uambie watu wenyu iyo upussy
Alafu usinunue Jumia, you can never be guaranteed the quality. Ingia luthuli ama jiji utapata a proper TV
reasoning yako iko chini badala ya kurespond kama mtu anatumia akili unaanza matusi :mad::mad:
Si ulie basi.