Bending the standards too low.

I have been watching the so called “Gospel music” and i have realized that the so called Christian Musicians are conforming to the world’s standard of music. But may be “jehovah” wanyonyi is pleased but not the Creator. But the truth is, the current generation requires to be told the Truth but not to be entertained. I know may be this is one of the things that discourages @nairobilay .

But the mode of worship has been diluted over the years, if society is to go back to the roots of worshiping even female pastors and bishops would be nowhere near churches.

Start with doing away with all female church leaders

Is this news or politics?

Bila Yesu itakuwa ngori…mwisho wa story :D…that song

I believe the church needs to stop modeling its music after the world, and model it after God’s image. You really find God in that Music and you cant find Him.

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[QUOTE= But the truth is, the current generation requires to be told the Truth but not to be entertained.[/QUOTE]
Exactly my sentiments!

Nimewacha hio hapa.

Nowadays religion makes news and politicks are the order of the day

Why do away with female church leaders?

Hahaha, the fact remains iyo ngoma ndo ngori sasa

1 Corinthians 14:34

the women must keep silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak out, but must place themselves in submission, as the oral law also says.


hehe tell me about it; I grew up in the Friends Church

As the Bible says in Galatians 3:28, Paul apparently believed that there is no distinction between male and female among those who have been baptized into Christ. Here are verses in the Bible that shows various female church leaders.
[li]Exodus 15:24: Miriam, the daughter of Aaron was a prophet and one of the triad of leaders of Israel during the Exodus from Egypt.[/li]
[li]Judges 4 & 5: Deborah, a prophet-judge, headed the army of ancient Israel.[/li]
[li]2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chronicles 34:22 Huldah, a prophet, verified the authenticity of the “Book of the Law of the Lord given through Moses” - the Book of Deuteronomy. She triggered a religious renewal.[/li]
[li]Acts 9:36 The author of Luke referred to a female disciple of Jesus by her Aramaic name Tabitha, who was also known by her Greek name Dorcas. She became sick had died; St. Peter brought her back to life.[/li]
[li]Acts 21:8: Philip the evangelist had four unmarried daughters who were prophets.[/li]
[li]Philippians 4:2: Paul refers to two women, Euodia and Syntyche, as his co-workers who were active evangelicals, spreading the gospel.[/li]
[li]Romans 16:1: Paul refers to Phoebe as a minister or deacon of the church at Cenchrea.[/li][li]Romans 16:3: Paul refers to Priscilla as another of his “fellow workers in Christ Jesus”[/li][li]Romans 16:7: Paul refers to a male apostle, Andronicus, and a female apostle, Junia, as “outstanding among the apostles”[/li][/ul]

You have just reinforced the fact that religion is a changing ideology; or which of the two verses do you follow? Both of them are in the bible.

Or should one cherry pick what suits him or her

without the Holy Spirit you will definitely be confused by different doctrines and even the holy scriptures. many christians are in conflict because they depend on thier intellect to make decision. With the Holy Spirit amongst christians, the goal, though, objective and behavior would be harmonized.


Bending the standards too low. - Religion, Spiritualism & Philosophy - Kenya Talk
The one in 1Cor 14: 33-34 people really misinterpret it, if you read the whole of that chapter you will understand. The concern of 1 Corinthians 14, and much of the epistle, is order and structure in the church.
Paul is dealing with a church with a lot of problems, as it is through the whole scope of the letter. One of those problems has to do with their public gathering. This is why we have Paul addressing such throughout chs.11-14.Thus, noting that Paul states that there will be specific times when tongue-speakers (vs28) and those prophesying (vs30) need to be silent, we must deduce that Paul was asking women to be silent in regards to specific situations as well, not that they must be silent for all time. And, again, this is confirmed when considering that Paul already gave liberty for women to be involved in the public worship gathering (1 Corinthians 11:5; 14:26).But, in all, it is certain that Paul was correcting a specific problem in regards to the women of the Corinthians gathering, which has bearings on how to understand these words even today.

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Those who allege that the Bible contains contradictions basically fall into two classes.

First, there is the person who honestly believes this to be the case because he has heard the hackneyed charge repeated frequently; thus, he sincerely is misinformed about the facts. Second, there is that type of person who, from base motives, hates the Bible and so does not scruple to pervert its testimony in order to discredit the Sacred Volume. In either case, the Word of God is not at fault! This does not mean that men will not struggle with difficult passages. If seeming discrepancies are discovered, let us apply ourselves to a diligent study in an effort to resolve them; but let us never foolishly charge God with allowing His sacred writers to contradict one another.

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Christianity is not a religious system, but a relationship with God, one that He initiated and maintains. Christians believe that mankind was created specifically to have a relationship with God, but sin separates all men from Him

