BBQ wins again, Haiti PM resigns

All BBQ does is win, na sasa is there a gavament huko Haiti? @Simiyu22 is crying under the bed upon hearing of BBQ wins

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Everytime jambas Ruto acts like the puppet he is he regrets. Ruto was signing nini Sasa.

Mara ako behind netanyahu genocide kesho ameficha mkia. Mara wakenya be deployed in Gaza as slave workers kesho police to be sacrificed in port au prince. Tena ako Yemen fighting for red sea Kisha ameenda crusade ya Benny hinn.

Ruto has to be removed as he is making very costly blunders by being an ass licker. Once Ruto even supports Odinga imechomeka. Nobody in Africa trusts the fool anymore.

He had the benefit of doubt until his greedy ass couldn’t say no to any deal by beberus without one regard for the people of Kenya. Ruto is an idiot who really never got exposed outside his village schooling and it tells by his myriad international naivety.

Ruto has to be the most naive and gullible greedy rat in Africa. The way he is used kama duster ni aibu sana.

Ruto is costing Kenya very much by opposing BRICS for his own selfish purposes. It will be his biggest crime.

The jambas can’t see any moves others are making for their people as long as yeye anaghula.


Itabidi the world to work with BBQ. He will be the leader itabidi wamtupie mtama a stabilize nchi then akue offed after the state and its structures are rebuilt properly


I support BBQ.



D- have zero business in Haiti. Ruto arudishe hongo roho safi. How greedy can one man get, that he will sacrifice all. Shenzi


description ya mkamba mjinga @KuwaitBabe

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:joy::joy::joy: Erikana si uende gulf kidogo uoshe ngamia za Abdul upunguze hasira

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I don’t need to.

That PM was a clown. The only way he could save his country was to rise above politics. The state is greater than a person. He could have prolonged his stay in interim transition period 2 years. Dissolve the cabinet form a government of national unity. Invite the rebels. Come with a new constitution involves all the citizen. Form new institution to govern the country. He will be remembered as the modern founding father of Haiti. He will be respected in the whole of Carribbean. He will retire with all the benefits.


Alichochwa mbaya. This fools can’t relate to the people. He was never their leader and he knew it in his heart.

The funniest of it all was when we requested Jambazz to accompany D- wakiwa pamoja in solidarity. Sijawahi cheka hivyo that even Jambazz knows hawes.

I think Jambas should have invited the rebels and pm to a talk if he wasn’t somebody’s biatch. Jambazz should have held dialogue but ni Malaya ya beberus.

Jambas only accepts checks bila kufikiria. Jambazz had all the Aces and all but he is not his own man on that deal.

He still holds it as he has a mandate that can only be used for dialogue.

He can’t deploy nobody tho. He could never


These dirty, slimy, oily “educated, cultured and suave international leaders”, with their “tough talking, government policy mandated and international community backing” proclamations are in reality scared yellow bellied blind marsh crawlers who can never back up their words with any action when things become really thick. They’ll run away scared then start talking tough and look for sympathy by proclaiming about their stolen legitimacy while sequestered comfortably in one of their mansions acquired thru stolen billions in a country far removed from their home. Watu bure kabisa.

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:joy: Elder, msichana huwa anaombwa mkeer na maneno matamu. Ukinyimwa mara moja unajaribu tena. Hivi utapata kweli?

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My friend from Mucatha, this sets a very bad precedent. Political leaders being controlled by criminal gangs? They should have put down those gangs by whatever means necessary. Now the country is truly doomed. Everyone knows how to effect political change there.

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Labda tu daimoni twa Lootall tumemwambia wanataka damu akaona D- na Haiti ni form poa and I am speaking as a typical Kenyan wale hao huona mashetani kwa kila kitu :green_emoji:

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Very very IMPORTANT to note that its not Ruto who is a western powers puppet.

Its Kenya as a client state, even before 1963, the western powers identified Kenya as the base for there neocolonial operations.

We are and have been the most important western powers client state in this region since 1963.

The decision to still send .ke cops to Haiti or not WILL be made in Washington. Ruto’s / .ke public opinion on this is irrelevant.

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Ati woooot? Ruto is a puppet wa America, Europe and Britain he does not have the spine nor balls to say no to them

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Thats cold

He had been asked to resign by UN. Bbq hasn’t won anything.
Social media videos are showing cooked up videos, to paint a narrative that Haiti has collapsed. Ndio UN iingie kesho.
Kenya on the way, pap.

BBQ had demanded his resignation

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