Bantu migration

They can use genetic mapping to verify and validate.

genetic mapping is biased untill all variables are accounted for.Like i was deep into reading about that,the first samples were categorised as Luhya from Kenya,another study then explained the massive variations among Luhyas so the earlier samples were corrected to be Luhya from Webuye.

I believe the truth is whatever each African clan claims,not tribe. Tribe is outsiders(white people/colonialists) observations.

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Why is there so much similarities in languages for example between some Congo, Kenyan and Malawi communities? History can’t be erased though there is bound to be some few distortions around.

Bantus did not migrate anywhere. We spontaneously occupied Africa through marriage and common exchange of genetic material. That’s like saying chinese migrated from somewhere. Chinese have always been in china like bantu have always lived in Africa.

Bantus never migrated. A migration requires deliberate movement with the intention to occupy a new space. We have always and will always live all over Africa

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Lanye wa bantu ni watamu kushinda nilotes

I can admit, I did not know the word Bantu was coined by a German. I always thought it was an African word like in Swahili = watu, meru = vantu, kikuyu = andu, luhya = abandu, etc. I suspect the vast majority of nyeuthi thought the same.

Si walisema humans originated from east africa. So what is this upus of bantus coming from somewhere else while their origin is east africa?

Thats why he says its colonial theory not fact.