Hehe hizi story mingi tulikataa. I cant remember the last time i had a single mother’s number na si muwaache watokomee na huko. Hizi discussion muwachie atty awiso huko buyer beware na wamama wenzake
I have only ever interacted with single mothers under the age of 25, when it comes to women over 25, they know me as that anti-social guy who never pays attention to them, ata kama ni kwa biashara au kazi…with the exception of my dear wife of course
So many of these women’s problems could be solved if they were just willing to admit that their bad life situations are a consequence of their own actions.
People will always demand the best for themselves and it is human nature. You will see and continue meeting women with baggage, low paying jobs, average looks, etc searching for high value men who are handsome, rich, with zero baggage. It also works in reverse ie you find old, average looking, and broke men, thinking they have every right to marry 20 year old supermodels.
Human nature demands that both men and women will want the best for themselves. It is also the reason why the pareto principle applies even to dating ie both men and women want to date way above their league making the people that actually belong at the top of the foodchain have unlimited choices (hence single mothers and deadbeat dads).
My point, instead of complaining about things you cant change (human behavior), you can make the decision personally to avoid them at all costs. Let simps marry single mothers, and you marry whoever you want.
Mnashinda mkilia singo matha day in day out. Si muachana tu na wao. Lakini najua hamuezi because they have pussy that will want you coming back for more.
Red pillers again regurgitating nonsense that doesn’t apply to Kenya. Huku Kenya women know to stay in their lane. Dame average huku Kenya akikatiwa na Sean Andrew atashinda tu akishuku