Understanding the symbolism of Auma welcoming Obama at JKIA…in 1988 When Obama was 26 seeking to trace his roots Auma is the one who received Obama at the JKIA…Auma gave Obama a ride on her old blue Volkswagen to her home in Kariokor…Yesterday it came to pass that Auma was to ride in the The Beast not Volskwagen with the most powerful man on earth…her brother Obama
this screen shots from Obamas book Dreams from my father which was posted here http://www.kenyatalk.com/index.php?threads/dreams-from-my-father.6865/ by @Elin
go to chapter 15 and read more on Obamas first visit to kenya.
She actually calls him little bro…
what happened to zeituni? towards the end of her life she fell on very hard times
Obama na hekaya
I will read this book today.
The same way u called @Ice_Cube last week…Just saying.
That means am owed a hug…
When you hug, give us evidence. Unless the hug is something else. Hehe.