I have seen two videos of robberies where a woman is cornered by thugs but resists. Ule wa Rongai and now huyu wa Adams. Majambazi sio watu wa kuchezea. Don’t risk your life by resisting them. Let them take what they want and leave you with your life. So sad mama kama huyu is now no more.
I pray that they get sprayed with bullets one of these dark days or nights… But how someone behaves in such incidents depends on their state of mind
I know it’s very nerve wrecking but people should just try to stay calm and not provoke these guys. Your life is extremely important than what they can steal from you. Resisting can only send you to an early grave. The thugs will definitely be caught but her life is gone for good.
Is the Adams one the lone lady in a shop. Yes that was a big mistake to resist. Just let them take the money and move on with your life.
The woman wanted to confirm whether the gun was real.
Matiang’i’s people need to deal decisively with these bastards. Hakuna kubembeleza mwizi wa mabavu. Shoot them to shreds on sight, and let the devil sort them out.
They don’t carry only one weapon. Especially if the gun is a bonoko. They usually have very sharp knives which they stab you on the neck with. The jugular vein bleeds alot of blood so in less than 10 minutes you will have bled to death.