Are ARVS libido enhancers?

Why are some positive people very sexually active? Is it the ARVS? Do they also enhance Fertility and sperm count? But life is hard majuu how can all these women be sharing one dirty needle? BTW what is so hard with staying single instead of all these toxic relationshits, si ulee watoto wako uwachane na hizi disease ridden chimpanzees? This is very dangerous. Na akikupea Ukimi yet some of them are even married women they will super spread their hubbies. Alfa HIV carrier hadi he’d tell married women to lie to their junguu husbands ati he’s their cousin bcz he was a hobosexual. Living off Kenyan women.



what is sexually active?
is sex once a week an indicator of being sexually active?
au ni sex daily?

Most heterosexual men are very sexually active, kwanza mbaruyia wako na libido sana…na hawajui ARVs ni nini

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Many different partners

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