For decades Africans roamed in the rich African Savanna with no care in the world absolutely content with the life of savagery while the rest of the world innovated,invented,and thrived is leaps and bounds … fast forward In 1963 both Kenya and Singapore were declared independent from The British rule, both countries were in a similar economic state, two decades later, Singapore’s economy had blown up by 200%, kenya’s only achievement was massive land grabbing, corruption,intolerance to dissent voices and all the populous did was to compose the best songs for those who excelled in these vices. Unfortunately this is the common thread all over the continent with absolutely no exception.
After decades of struggle and blood shed, Africans in SA were handed a thriving and robust economy, the best in the continent fast forward 2 decades later the economy is in it’s knees, their credit ranking is about to deep and it will only get worse with morons like Malema being touted as the best leaders of these generation.
Three decades ago Zimbambwe was Africa’s bread basket, with 80 percent literacy levels one could think they would do much better than the rest of the continent, but the moment an African got into the drivers’ seat all went down hill. Now their life president is dishing out the sagely advice to his African peers that they should pull out of the UN, conveniently forgetting that a massive proportion of the African population lives on the mercies of WHO, UNHCR,UNICEF and other UN agencies thanks to power hungry buffoons like him.
Africans in the US are not doing any better, despite of living in the worlds largest economy where one would expect them to thrive despite of all the challenges that come with one having black skin tone but No, all they have managed to achieve is to blow each others brains out and do drugs in quite impressive proportions, their culture’s icons are alien looking dummies covered in acres of tattoos whose most thought provoking punchline is"eat that booty like groceries." and one wonders why they record the lowest IQ.
i will not jump to the defence of the african you villify and classify as stupid, i will however say that you need to read more to understand your people (assuming you are a kenyan african) and others before you rush to a conclusion that they are failures. i’ll be back…
and i’ll be black
I support you…in as much as we would wish to create excuses for our woes, we have an inherently lower thinking capacity compared to the light-skinned races. A fact that we need to accept. There are a few exceptionally bright Africans, but the majority are below average thinkers.
It’s a high time we accept this painful truth.
NO! NO! NO! I vehemently disagree with your assertion that Africans are genetically inferior at a genetic level. What we lack is sound, well rounded education. We don’t know our history because we allow the white man to define it for us. He tells us what we are and by doing so, limits our capacity and sabotages our vision. If you don’t know who you are, you’re headed nowhere! It’s high time Africans directly challenged the notion of white supremacy and unmerited white privilege. The way to do that is by educating each African child, woman and man. Every African country must be built on a knowledge- based economy.
True emancipation of the African begins with learning. In the words of Frederick Douglas, a reformer, abolitionist, and statesman…"Learning would spoil the best nigger in the world. Now," said he, “if you teach that nigger (speaking of myself) how to read, there would be no keeping him. It would forever unfit him to be a slave. He would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his master. As to himself, it could do him no good, but a great deal of harm. It would make him discontented and unhappy.” These words sank deep into my heart, stirred up sentiments within that lay slumbering, and called into existence an entirely new train of thought. It was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but struggled in vain. I now understood what had been to me a most perplexing difficulty–to wit, the white man’s power to enslave the black man. (6.3)
An organism will change according to its environment.
Africa didn’t have what propelled other civilisations forward. These are war, access to the outside world and trade. Innovation does not happen in a vacuum and its high time we eliminate the myth of the genius and stop believing that progress happens due to a systematic logical way of thinking. Development is as a result of trial and error, order out of chaos rules the day.
If you bothered to take a look at any history book you will see that at one time Europe’s development had stagnated. Most history books like to call this era the ‘dark ages’ but this is just western bias, in the Arab world numerous discoveries were being made, there was philosophy, astronomy, science all this at a time when the Europeans held to superstition. China too started its upward trend as well. Does this mean the Europeans were dumb? Are Arabs or Asians genetically superior? Why then are they behind now? Progress is not linear, it’s not determined by the sum of the collective IQs of the people. It happens as a result of trial and error, experimentation and chaos and conflict.
Africa had no chaos, and it was in a vacuum just look at the maps. Asia and Europe shouldn’t even be considered separate continents. Africa is far away from where development happened Egypt was at least in conflict with Rome for some time and this helped in spreading some ideas like later on Christianity or those who are called the modern day Copts.
i am strongly STRONGLY inclined to believe so. STRONGLY!
dis bitch is out!
Gaddafi tried it and the AU watched him get pummelled to the ground by a coalition of western warriors.
Non stood up to defend him.
African history is not written. Much of it is oral. And we know how that changes over time.
Name one great African historian from Africa in history? None.
While I also reject the genetic inferiority, I conclude that Africans are wild, self-serving and myopic.
The truth shall set you free.
Uaani we can’t even clean up our city. We throw garbage out of windows. We live in filth and it’s always someone else’s fault.
We cannot blame everyone else apart from us. Mwafrika ni shida.
If you think that the West would allow Africa to prosper unchecked, then you are sorely mistaken. Yes, we have inherent failures of our own, but the interests of the West will always be crafted in a way that undermines the “rest”. Tafakari haya:
a) Almost all French-African countries MUST deposit their reserves in the France Central Bank and can only utilize their own funds with the approval of the French Central Bank
b) France (with the tacit approval of NATO) engineered the attack on Libya, because Muamar Gadaffi was planning to introduce Gold as a reserve fund for Africa
c) Majority of Africa’s corrupt wealth is saved in Europe, most of which is lost when the dictators die and is quietly “absorbed” by Europe
d) Pyramids have existed in Africa (as far South as Sudan) for eons. Junguu’s still don’t know with 100% certainy how they were made!
e) Tunisia was once the center of all Arab knowledge - and Arab knowledge informs most of today’s Medicine and Mathematics
I agree with @jerrydubiz …I tend to think that most whites share Trump’s views on Africans but they prefer keeping it to themselves
@IsMundu u r another African innocently creating excuses for our failures
wait till elections 2017 for an updated definition:D
All your points, can only mean one thing; that Africans are playing servant for their own myopic agenda. Period!!
If we all agreed, came as one, wouldn’t we win? We’ve got a billion people with heart?
Do you know why they can’t try this shit in Asia? Because the Asians will bring it on.
Africans are like “hii mambo ya nyumbani wacha tutatatua kwa nyumba”.
We need to be bolder. Take things on. Make sacrifices. And succeed from there. Anything else ni hekaya that should be posted here.
I am not creating excuses. I am merely citing instances of how Africa has been plundered. And as I said earlier:
But we must also admit that the West has played us big time. Think of it this way: A student in a remote place in Turkana is expected to perform in the education, job market, business and trade in much the same environment as that student who learns in an elite school (na pengine hajawai ona hata protractor, let alone microscope). It is not that yule mtoto alizaliwa akiwa fala, but exposure to the outside world is kidogo (if any). Kama kuiba ng’ombe ndiyo anajua huwezi kumwambie tu awache bila ya kumpa alternative!
Now put that in the same perspective.
Hehehehe…read through you argument and ask yourself, why can’t the Africans design their education system that is superior to what is offered by the west. If we were bright enough, the imperialists could have found us with schools and universities when they landed on our shores. They could have found us with great innovations that dwarfs their own.
Stop blaming the west for our backwardness because they found us backward in terms of innovation when they landed on our shores. The white are able to manipulate us because they have a superior mind.
Answer this questions;
Even after constructing the railway line for us, how come we never bothered to expand it or increase it ourselves? the chinese are here to do it for us
How many indians have you seen employed by black Africans?
How many arabs are employed by black Africans?
Both the Indians and the Arabs went through tough historical times but they are today up and developed. we rush to these countries to wash their toilets, to enjoy their medical services, and so on…everything points to a genetic problem.
the degree of moronic thinking displayed in this thread is immeasurable. What criteria have you used to rank IQs that whites are superior? Are you white or black by the way? You must be the brightest black in history I guess, endowed with the thinking capacity of whites and ability to gauge the IQs of other blacks.
The notion that kenya was at the same level of development as singapore and south korea at independence is a myth that has been repeated time and again and picked by morons like you. The singapore national university was established in 1905, but it was an institution of higher learning since 1823. The literacy level in singapore in 1960s was more than 80 percent. In kenya, we did not have a university and literacy level was below 5%. The GDP per capita of singapore in 1965 was above 500 US dollars, what was ours?
Other arguments that you have raised do not deserve any comment, save to say that your ignorance is stinking. Has the economy of south africa decreased or expanded since 1994? How much does WHO spend per person in africa to provide health care? Do they pay for you? Some countries were bankrupt recently and saved by UN agencies, were these countries in africa or they were led briefly by africans? Your arguments have no statistical or genetic background, just a stupid young man, probably living in the west who now think he is an invincible intellectual.
@IsMundu @fishmonger has exactly posted my argument…
innovation is powered by necessity. we had land to till, plains teeming with game to hunt, more than adequate pasture for our livestock, rivers and lakes teeming with fish from which we removed just enough to eat, enough naturally dead wood in our forests for fuel without ruining our environment, pleasant all year round weather, cultures that assured us of social balance…then came the great disruptions in the form of slave trade and colonialism…
remember, when Shaka needed more territory and to consolidate his people he fashioned the asseghai, the short stabbing spear that ensured more efficient killing…
i’ll be back…
This is actually our problem. We want to shift the blame to the white man instead of taking responsibility.
Is it a coincidence that the whole of Africa continues to struggle almost a century after independence while other races thrive. I am sorry to say this but I think there’s something inherently wrong with our beloved race and we need to take control