No other recent show comes close to this. From the animation to the story, the characters, the atmosphere… everything!
I dare you to find a better show. I fucking dare you!
No other recent show comes close to this. From the animation to the story, the characters, the atmosphere… everything!
I dare you to find a better show. I fucking dare you!
Lend me your Netflix account so I can watch locked show. Peasant plead.
Hoist the colours
Know any good sites for streaming with no malware? And full screen resolution like Netflix?
Just found it for free.
Netflix=feggets,people who have no clue what gender they are and lesbos
It’s cool if you hate Netflix. It’s ok.
Upuz, kama admin
Tulisema bafoo na tutarudia tena, such information should be accompanied by links to krick.
What gender are you?
I’ll reiterate that,what pronouns do you use?
animation ni cartoon yes iko sawa but can never be compared with real humans show. so no its not the best show this year. the only animation iliwaikuwa the best of all was boondocks
nimeangalia trailer and its pure feminist bullshittt
Animations are slowly beating out live-action because they can showcase awesome sequences at the fraction of the cost --no need for set rigs, insurance, actor training and the bs that comes with live action. And this isn’t your grandfather’s animation. Animations nowadays have expressions and movements that aren’t just cycling through six or seven poses.
Don’t tell me you also joined the cry babies: “they’re mind-programming us! they’re pushing agendas!” Shut the fuuck up. Sit down.
Are you that weak-minded that a throw-away ‘feminist’ line/scene from a TV show will break your stance? Also, you know better than to judge shows from trailers; those things are notoriously deceptive.
In any case, it’s more family than feminist --you would know that if you watched the first episode. Fuuck the Boondocks, it’s a dead show. This is the best show of 2021 and that’s the end it.
Honestly i agree with you. I am sick and tired of seeing people saying ooh feminism mara aty gay shit mara they are woke bullshit. I mean yeah all of that is true i hate that it’s happening but accept the world is changing … and nothing is going to change anytime soon… Gay scenes in Hollywood are going to come up even more… Feminism is not going anywhere so people better get with the program… I just saw Eternals in theaters on Friday and there was a gay kiss scene and a sex scene… And i bet more and more is coming
I didn’t feel like watching it cause it’s animation but I know a few girls who’ll likely watch it at my place.
Strange, it seems to be a snippet of Solar Opposite’s wall
@Buckets just finished watching Arcane… And honestly this might be the best animated show of all time. No disrespect to Avatar and other IPs we grew up with. The animation style is just incredible…glad it has been renewed for season 2
It IS the best animated show of all time. And the fucking music man. That Ekko vs Jinx scene… damn!
Yess… Man as an animator myself this really resonated with me deeply … The music… I have not gone through to see who did the score for this show but damn it was so thrilling… The wild take is that the directors are so chill… I heard from one of their interviews that they had no prior knowledge in directing stuff…which makes it even more incredible how they achieved this.
And i loved the fact that they didn’t release all of it at once like netflix usually does… I usually appreciate that format because it gives u time to soak it all in and the anticipation for what’s next