Arabs Are Buying And Selling People

Arabs Are Buying And Selling People

Sioni what’s the issue here

Usomeshwe an baado hauna akili ya kuona the Modern Slave Trade going on on this plane. I pitty those faggots who cannot see beyond the veil. Arabs and Saudi shit we get daily on news is simply a MODERN SLAVE TRADE

If your government does not care about you, don’t expect people from other races to treat you like a person. African poor leadership is the genesis of all this problem. Why aren’t Arabs selling their own or white folk? Or Jews? If your own don’t value you nobody else will.

arabs have been trading in human beings for 2000 years…


If the government doesn’t care then why do we have dumb bonobos who still believe in the white man’s hypocrisy

And bonobos are busy following religion of their colonisers

One of my muslim friend traveled throughout the Middle East; he shared with me with deep sadness how dark skinned Africans were treated
negative in Mecca, Saudi Arabia during Hajj. Today Islam has become more Arabism than Islam, but most Africans Muslims want to overlook
the Arab racism in Islam. In Mecca you will always find the dark skinned Africans people subservient to the Arab light skinned ruling class

Let’s go back to our roots

Fake religion strips you off your humanity

Why o why did we let this happen.We could easily have killed off all the Arabs just like in Zanzibar.

We should kill all the Arabs in Africa