khaligraph amejaribu. i’m particularly impressed by how he raps fluently in english. si waafrika wengi wanaweza hio
Colonial mentality/Inferiority complex.
if you cannot appreciate an African doing what the white man started and actually what some whites cannot do, you are the Colonial mentality/Inferiority complex victim yourself
This white man that invented rap, tell us more about him.
aha. tell me about the colonial mentality and inferior complex to my fellow black man who invented rap
Smh. Rudi Div 3 mboss.
you think you are clever good for you Einstein
Pia mimi nataka kusikia hii.
Div 3 ni ya dimba, sio darasani.
@madova n @kijanamrefu go argue with your women reps
:eek::eek:.Nimeachia hapo juu naona wewe na rap cant and will never sleep in same bed.Too Bad.
my point is about the mastery of rapped english that khaligraph displays. who invented english ???
go sleep in the same bed with comprehension maybe some will rub off on you.
STC- sexually transmitted comprehension. in case you cannot comprehend that still.
I have chosen you as the women rep.
Mariachi ni ng’ombe ya mtu sana.
@madova & @kijanamrefu i pronounce you husband and wife. you may now screw each other
My avatar is for dudes like you.
I have chosen you as the women rep.
You don’t want my vote?
no son. people like @kijanamrefu . suck his dick before you fuck him. so that he likes you more
I raise you the underrated Kayvo Kforce.