With online dating, first you have to wade through:
Abandoned profiles
Attention seekers
Just to find the ladies who are actually there for dating. Then amongst the ones who are serious, the overwhelming majority have something to hide, for example:
Ugliness beneath makeup/filters/angles
Singo matha
This is because online dating provides a very convenient avenue for people who have giant flaws to interact with others while hiding those giant flaws. They hope that you will get to know them first then once they reveal their giant flaw you’ll accept and move on.
Furthermore, women who are 8s and 9s in real life don’t bother much with online dating because they already get so much attention in real life that they look at the extra attention online as being too much.
This is why true alpha males tunakatiana mostly in real life. That’s where you can easily see a woman for what she truly is and that’s where you get the 8s and 9s. Watu wa online chieth endeleeni kunang’ana just for the attention of 6s and below.
An objective measure of 8s is the number of real life orbiters and satellites that she has circulating around her. If a lady has 1 or two satellites, huyo ni 7/10 and below. If a lady has 5+ satellites, consider her an 8. 9 rating is determined the morning after you beng. Did she look good with her morning face after ulimkunja vile inastahili? If yes, give her a 9 rating. Alpha males know there is no 10/10.
you forgot to add that Kenyan dating sites become whore sites where bitches with over-estimated self worth go looking for rich men to pay them for sex…this is the biggest risk of online dating in Kenya, utafuga malaya if you are naive