I have been looking for one2moja tracks (kwanza ile ya power supply) kwa youtube but sipati. For those who remember that progamme mizizi, when akina rufftone walikuwa secular mbaya na redsan bado alikuwa anatafuta a foothold in the music industry (hebu mcheki sasa), na kuna hii song ya matamshi ambayo ilihusisha akina rufftone na one2moja…any throw back songs from you?
Ukizipata niambie. Um also looking for tracks by Zulu Krew, 4 G Mafya, One-2-Moja and this other group of four that used to rap very fast, almost like Busta or Twista but whose name escapes me for now.
Also this track from k-south
I think most of these tracks were never uploaded in youtube, and I think after rufftone kuokoka he didn’t want anything to do with his previous life
This I have somewhere in my collection. Bought the album when it came out.
Dholuo has never sounded better than this
This remix isn’t as good as the original.
I agree
Aaa Kulo aah moto, ng’atni obede tie dero, nyako nenidwaro salon nyako neni dwaro pedicure,
An nyar dala wach salon nene aneno kanye, wuoyi ni ja boma… and on and on it keeps goin
KBC wanatuangusha wangekuwa wanaupload hizo video.
Chameleon and redsan dancing ontop of some structure.
Audio iko hapo chini
Na nyota ndogo then…this song used to introduce a certain programme KBC I cant remember the name (but I love this song to date)