Anyone else noticed this crosses love appearing before big dumps or pumps? And you know what day tommorrow is. Btw what signals are you looking for to resume buying?[ATTACH=full]373604[/ATTACH]
Mbloh, BTC will hit a low of 15-10k. And all of you will panic sell at that time. And from the chart, give it at least 3-5 years to ever get back to a high of 65k(if it will ever be)
ikifika hapo, people are going to panic buy sio sell:D:D:D
People said the same in March 2020.
Psychologically, market screws on both sides. You panic sell when low and FOMO leads you to buying high. Very many people bought it at $60+. But when that thing goes below $25k, they’ll say afasari kupoteza kias kuliko yote.
I didnt.
Yaani bado mko hapa kwa cryptos? :D:D
hii ugonjwa ni kama iliisha
vile wasee wamechochana pale reddit, wamekuwa pshycologically immune, to ups and, downs of market
Never. Markets have been this way since BC era. Reddit discussion can only affect 0.001% of the retail traders. Hao wengine wote humaliswa na fear of losing money/missing out and greed
kumbe sio kila mtu ako na iron constitution