I’m just getting back from the hospital at this unholy hour.
It will be the last time we have to go and see Debby.S
And it’s because Debby has just been separated from the life support machine that has kept her alive for the last two months.
Debby is gone!!!..
We now have to find in us the strength to support her husband and three little girls as we organise a funeral for her and a life for her young family going forward…
See, … Debby was best friends with my favourite baby momma and over the years me and her husband became good friends.
Two months ago, to celebrate the beginning of summer, I organized a barbecue at my favourite baby momma’s house and so Debby and her husband show up.
Debby is a crazy South Efriken who has always lived life on the edge and her Naija boyfriend could not be more different if he tried!..
The poor fucker is the one that gets left with the kids and has to act the designated driver while Debby lives it up and causes a racket at any party.
Anyway, on that fateful Sunday afternoon, Debby started getting sick to the point of puking blood hapo in the garden.
The husband makes the apologies, bundles their kids into the car and they’re gone.
I text him later on in the night just to make sure they are ok and that’s when he tells me that the wife took a turn for the worse and that they have just arrived in hospital in an ambulance a few minutes previously!
It’s not the first time Debby got stupidly drunk and got carted away in an ambulance.
But things get serious when next day I phone Debby’s husband and he informs me that Debby had a cardiac arrest overnight and that she is now in intensive care!!
Sisi hao me and my baby momma and when we arrive at the ward, Debby had her tongue out and is surrounded by all these machines and cables that are apparently keeping her alive!..
The doctors have already warned Achike that whatever the outcome, Debby will not come out of this induced coma the same so it’s only right that he allows them to switch the life support machine off in a bid to end Debby any more suffering!
I know most Junguz wouldn’t think twice about this but they don’t know that they’re dealing with an African man.
Achike akaleta show in the ward mpaka all the visitors in the Critical care unit had to be evacuated!..
I don’t blame him and African cultural beliefs aside, which man would want to say goodbye to the mother of their kids who are all younger than five?!..
So for two months, we have all had to visit and watch Debby’s health deteriorate .
The doctors have managed to get her off the life support machine but her jaws are still clenched on her tongue which is protruding awkwardly out of her mouth and she is in a vegetative state.
Debby’s mom and sisters finally got visas to come over and see her and unlike the husband who is deep in denial, they agree with the doctors and finally managed to convince Achike that it’s in Debby’s interest that she be allowed to die to end her suffering.
Yesterday, all her kids were again invited into the hospital and were allowed a paper and crayons to draw images of their mum.
The saddest thing that made me shed a rear was the portraits they drew.
They all had a red toungue protruding out of the mouth of their mum.
The poor innocent kids don’t know it yet, but that was the last time they saw their mum alive!..
To think that they will grow up without coming home to mummy after school every day just breaks my heart.
Haki, people, make every day count , give your child that hug and tell them that you love them because it honestly could be the last day you see them.
Achike, I know that you will be the best father to your kids and as insensitive as it sounds, have a good Father’s day my man!
We are going to be here for you.
You are a soldier!!!..